(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 23:02

1.What Time is it now? 11:02

2.Single or taken? taken

3.What does your name mean? Amy means "Beloved" and Elizabeth means "My God is abundance"

4.Who picked out your name? my mom... she just liked the names

5.Whats your nickname? Pookie :)

6.What colour are your eyes? brown

7.Do you have an innie or an outie? innie

8.What size are your shoes? 7.5 to 8

9.How tall (or short) are you? 5'6"

10.Honestly, what do you like about yourself? I'm ethical and playful

11.What do you always get complimented on? appearance, cuteness of personality (apparently i'm not very good at anything, but i giggle and have big eyes, so it's all good)

12.worst quality? I'm stubborn and I tend to put too much faith in people

13.What are the last four digits of your phone Number? 2691... which is AMY1... cool, huh? totally not on purpose! :-D

14.Do you think you're cute? yes :)

15.Hair colour? blonde

16.Do you wear contacts? yes, -4.00

17.Living Arrangements? currently in the really warm room in the rental house, in 1 week, in the "nursery" at my parents' new house, then in august, Riverside with Bethie

18.Favourite drink? Diet Mountain Dew code red

19.Favourite alcoholic drink? vodka sunrise or smirnoff ice or goldenschlager

20.Favourite Month? August, because people go out of their way to love me

21.Favourite Food? hmmm... steak or pasta or meat pizza or cheese or broccoli cheese soup. or bread.

22.Favourite Board Game? ummm... life?

23.Web Site? um... my e-mail site when it has fun email? ooh... how about J.Crew

24.Favourite Clothing Brand? hmmm... i'm currently on a J.Crew/American Eagle binge. And I like Coach and Steve Madden and Victoria's Secret for those type things.

25.Favourite day of the Year? I'd say my birthday, but it's really the anticipation that i like. the day usually disappoints me. maybe Thanksgiving... my family usually gets along all day.

26.Fav color? Pink and Purple

27.Favourite Animal? monkeys and stuffed bears and Daisy the dog.

8.Do you have more female or male friends? I don't really have either. in a good way, if that makes sense... but um... i guess female.

29.Who's your best friend? Mike, which i'm sure sends up red flags to anti-all-the-eggs-in-one-basket people, but what do they know? Also, Beth, which is good because she lives with me, andHeather as a sister-type best friend, as in we don't really see eachother that much but we still love each other.

30.Are your parents together? yes

31.How often do you get together with the family? the whole family? maybe 2ce a year.

32.Do you see your parents or your friends more? friends, during the school year.

33. Anything special about your parents? They've been married since they were 21, and they are dorky and silly

34.Siblings and their ages? Alan, 27, Laura 22.

35. do u think ur a flirt? not really, i'd probably make more in tips if i were

36.are you slutty? nope...

37.you Mean? in a loving way.

38.You like someone? why, yes i do

39.You can keep secrets? no, not at all

40.You dance in front of the mirror? ...no

41.You sing in the shower? no, i'd get soap in my mouth.

42.You liked Britney Spears? some of the songs are catchy, i don't like her personally

43.You've liked a cousin? no, and you'd understand if you met them

44.you've been in the opposites bathrooms? yes

45.ever hurt anyone? Physically or emotionally? yes, i'm a meanie. also very clumsy and bad with words

46.You've been hurt? yeah... my shin hurts right now

47.You swear? in a lovable way

48.You get your way? usually

49.You're willing to try new things? usually no

50.You've cheated on a test? not really

51.What are you wearing? tank top, pj shorts and undies

52.What colour are your pants? um purply

53.What are you listening to? fan

54.How are you feeling? tired

55.what are you doing now? Taking this survey (how could anyone say anything else?)

56.What are you eating? nada

57.How's the weather? hot and muggy

58.What books are you reading? i just finished Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer and I haven't had time to go to the bookstore

59.How many lip glosses do you have? 4

60.What perfume do you use? I have HugO Boss Deep Red, but i rarely wear it, what with work and everything

61.What's in your purse? Wallet, car keys, work keys, face wipes, spoon, lip gloss, cell phone, pda, mp3 player, headphones, mirror, tummy meds, contacts, peanut butter crackers, lotion, pencil, visine, sunglasses

62. tall or short boy? a tiny bit taller than me

63.blonde or brunette guys? depends on skintone, i suppose

64.Boxers showing? i like a somewhat conservative style

65. Long hair or short hair on boys? short

66.What's the first thing you notice about guys? social skills

67.What kind of cologne do you use?

68. Whats in your pockets?

69.Boxers or briefs?

70.Blonde or brunette girls?

71.Tall or short girls?

72.Piercings on girls?

73.Long or short hair on girls?

74.Good or bad girl?

75.What do you find annoying in girls?

76.What's the first thing you notice about girls?

77. the last movie you saw? Batman Begins

78. what did you have for dinner? pizza for dinner and macaroni for post dinner snack

79.What are you hoping for? the end of this summer, and a continuation of my happiness with my loved ones

80.What movie do you really want to see? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

81.Where is your favourite place to travel? Europe

82.What did you last dream about? i think... it was weird. i usually dream about mundane daily things, like work

83.What was the last thing you ate? my post-dinner macaroni

84.If you were a crayon what colour what would you be? ooh... um.... is there a bright pink?

85.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Mike

86.Do you like the person that sent this to you? Bethie is the coolest, but I stole it from her

87.Ever had a crush on a teacher? nope. not even mr. gearhart, the slightly incompentent "dreamy" one

88.Are you too shy to ask someone out? i practically forced mike into dating me this time. So... no... :)

89.Scary movies or happy ending? happy

90.Summer or winter? Summer, in theory... but i like the people I'm around in winter better

91.Relationships or one night stands? relationships

92.Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream? vanilla... or better yet, white chocolate mousse frozen yogurt

93.Do you want your friends to write back (ignore if you're using LiveJournal)? --

94.Who is most likely to respond (ignore if you're using LiveJournal)? --

95.Who is least likely to respond (ignore if you're using LiveJournal)? --

96.What did you do last night? um... wednesday. hmm... I worked till 8, closed up, hung out at home, read a little, and slept

97.Anything else you want to add? I should go to bed

98.Time finishing? 11:47
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