This chapter cheesed me off in a number of ways. It was like pulling teeth to write it, and when it was actually written, it just didn’t quite work. I don’t know what it was, but I feel that there’s something off about the flow. It might be that it’s mostly a filler chapter, with important stuff tacked on the end. Gah, I don’t know. I definitely don’t feel that it was one of my better chapters, in any case.
That being said, it did yield some pretty good picspam. So, here we go!
Before now, my SentryBots have never really been a problem. Now, though, they've decided to break down almost every time I open up the Greek House and attack the butler. While this is amusing, it's kinda problematic for shooting, especially since the bots were supposed to be made by Tempe, who would not tolerate unruly robots. I've had to stop shooting to chase the little buggers down more than once.
*sigh* Rissa is such a continuity challenge. I seem to have some sort of block when it comes to making sure she's in the right outfit. I wouldn't have used this shot, because my walls are down, but according to the script, she should be in her everyday outfit here.
And then there's the hair.
The shot with the pizza took me a while to set up, since nobody was cooperating. So when it was done, I was happy until I realised that Rissa really should still have red hair here. So my story is that she went out and got her hair re-dyed. (My walls are down again, too. I'm getting slack in my old age.)
I had a similar problem with Rissa on Plunder Island. I have two or three Rissas floating around there, but I still can't get her hair right. I'd established that she had blue hair, so purple hair was not gonna be good enough. Grr.
I did a fair bit of redecorating this chapter - both bathrooms and the lounge got makeovers. The bathrooms aren't ever going to be shown, but the lounge sure is. I played around with putting objects on angles, which, as it turns out, messes with Sims' depth perception. Ouch.
Ah, Robbie. Robbie is *awesome*. He and Rissa were always going to have an antagonistic relationship, and they played the part beautifully. A lot of their interactions were autonomous.
Such as this one.
And this one. They don't have a great relationship score, naturally, but man, it's funny.
This one picture took me a long time to set up, and was probably more bother than it's worth. That's special guest star Tara Whedon up the front as the exam supervisor (I forgot to take a better picture of her) but nobody else is exactly who they seem to be.
For example, here's "Matt". I rolled the dice in CAS and fixed up my actors with the right hair and clothes. It wasn't worth the trouble of extracting the real Sims for one photo, really, since everyone except Tara had their back to the viewer.
So, this is my "Rissa"...
And "Robbie". My Robbie actor was out of shot, which probably was a good thing since I only realised after I'd done the shooting that I'd placed the OMSP badly and he was clipping the table.
Everyone else in the shot is a random townie I hauled in with the Blender and gave a makeover to.
I took way too many photos at the party, particularly of the smustling, but there are a few good ones. Like this one. Rishell has no respect for the laws of solid objects.
This picture wasn't doctored at all. Matt really is a naked hot-tubber. It just doesn't work for his character, so I ignore it most of the time.
On to Plunder Island. As I've mentioned, Plunder Island is a separate custom 'hood. It pretty much contains the hotel, the lab, and Theo's apartment building. We won't be seeing much more of the island than that.
I have two Rissas and two Theos wandering around, simply because it's annoying having to move single Sims between two lots all the time.
Rhys was always my first choice to be Rissa's boss, so I was really pleased when Marina allowed me to use him. He throws me the best faces in-game.
The handshake picture took me a long time to perfect, as a few people will attest to. Eventually, Jenn helped me out and pointed me towards a version of a pose hack available on community lots. This was one of my failures before I downloaded the hack.
Theo and Rissa's fight was one of the first scenes I scripted in this chapter. I laughed the whole way through. This shot went in the waste basket because it looks kinda like Rissa just smacked Theo across the face - amusing, but not in the script.
I was originally going to have a montage of Rissa's day at the lab. I can't remember why I went against it. The two sims are Zsa Zsa (the brunette) and Rosemarie (the other one). We'll see a bit more of them later.
I do like this shot, but it wasn't used for the same reason as the one above.
A few of you know this, but for those who don't... Barbara is one of Hero's kids, from the spare story I wrote for her. She's the youngest out of all four of Hero's lot, and she is not taking any of Rhys' shit. :D
{C}{C}{C}{C}And then there was this scene. Yeah.
This is probably the part of the chapter I liked least. In my head, it worked perfectly and was a valuable contribution to the chapter, but in practice? I didn’t really like it.I left it in, because a) I wanted to keep the song in, since to me it describes Theo and Rissa’s relationship pretty well, and b) it’s an important character development scene. Well, kinda.
When I started writing Theo and Rissa’s relationship, I’d just discovered Florence and the Machine, and her music just seemed to work so well with what I wanted from them. They have such a volatile relationship, really. They love each other, but they’ve got way too much pride to ever admit it. Neither of them is able to back down and say they were wrong. I think that if Rissa hadn’t run into Theo again at the lab, she would have hunted him down and screamed at him for some other reason because of this. They… I don’t know, they fit together, but the fit isn’t always comfortable because they’re too bloody stubborn for their own good.
So Howl seemed to fit for them - when they’re together, the relationship is tempestuous and a little bit violent, but not abusive. They can’t handle being apart, but they drive each other crazy when they’re together, too. Hence why Rissa and Matt would never have worked - she needs someone who’ll bite back, not flinch.
The scene itself? It just doesn't fit. I don't quite know why. It might have just dragged on too long; it might have been the posebox overload. It might have just not translated well from my head. In any case, it's probably the last of its kind I'll be attempting for a while.
I can babble, can't I? Oh well. I'll be scaling back all the TS2 stuff for a while now, since exams are in a few weeks. I have started writing a boit for 7.8, though. I can't help myself :-)