*pops head in* OHAI. I have about ten minutes on the computer during which I bring you almost-shiny-things!
For starters, I've noticed the trend towards testing out Scribd in my friends list, and thought I'd give it a go too. People have mentioned that it makes for crisper pictures and that's one thing I have lamented over for a while - I cannot for the life of me make my pictures sharp without going crazy in Photoshop. (I love the Unsharp Mask filter, I do, but it can be overused.)
So I've put my latest chapter into Scribd. It's sitting under the cut below. If you think it looks better, let me know!
Secondly, I've given in to my brother's nagging and gotten a formspring account. So if there's a question you want to ask me anonymously, about anything, go nuts! I'll try to answer as honestly as I can. You can find it here:
http://www.formspring.me/TheFireEternal Lastly, I got my lit review back from the markers yesterday. I got 90%. THAT IS A FREAKING HIGH DISTINCTION EEEEEE. I know it's the first of many, but this good a mark on my first major essay? I'm ridiculously pleased.
Off to vaccuum and finish my chem assignment! Whee!
EDIT: Haven't quite got the hang onf the embed yet. Not to worry, it'll get there.
Generation Gap