Nerrrrrg, packinggggg.
Anyhow, I finished that paper at around sevenish yesterday. Yes, I know. It's the second fucking time in my whole damn life that I've ever finished a paper before sundown the day before it's due. And what makes it all the worse is that it happened less than a week after the last time that happened. It's getting really fucking surreal, and more'n a bit creepifying.
It wasn't that great of a paper... I mean, it wasn't bad, but it didn't have anything that wasn't in my presentation, and I actually left a lot from my presentation out of the paper. Also, I spellchecked it but didn't bother to go through for grammar or non machine-readable mistakes. I hope it was all right. I handed it in at around eleven, then spent the rest of the day with SH and SE while SH tramped all over the place trying to print the color pages of her thesis. Then I bought a hueg booooox.
It's a really big box. I think I will do like the Japanese bloggers do and post a hueg picture of the hueg box on my bed. Link goes to biggar!
So yeah. After I bought that monster (solely because my big platters won't fit in any of the bajillion other crappy boxen I have in my spare closet) I had a crappy salad at Bruff (goddamn that lite ranch salad dressing, yuck!) and then I came back here intending to pack boxen full of crap, but ended up playing mahjong solitaire instead. And then, for some reason, I ended up at Bruff again and ate toast and french fries... why? dunno. Then I tried to pack again, but couldn't cos I had no packing tape, but then BG generously provided me with some and... now I can't figure out where to start. All of my old boxen are supar crappy.
Why am I typing like this? Fuck if I know.
EDIT: The box cost $10.50. D: Expensive box.