So very excited today

Nov 10, 2011 00:32

I am excited today! Do you want to know why I am excited today? Because it is equinescientist birthday today! Please go wish her a happy millionth bajillionth birthday because, seriously guys. She's awesome. The really cool awesome. And she's a little crazy too but I'm assuming that is her normal? Whatever, I'm weird too.

Oh! I wish I could like, give her a vgift or some chocolate candies but I have no money. Nope. So have some fic instead.

The Way brothers are huddled close in the cold winter wind, staring intently at the creature standing in front if them. It isn't often that a person -let alone two people - finds a creature like this up close and personal. As they look even more closely to the creature they see tiny sparkles, or glitter, that spreads over its entire body. "It looks so real," Gerard says while sipping his mocha frap and checking out the creature's hooves simultaneously.

Mikey nods slowly and takes a small step towards it. He tries to keep his movements slow so he doesn't scare it away -who knows if it's scared of humans, but then why didn't it run off?- and he quietly opens his sidekick.

Gerard clutches his coffee cup tight. "What are you doing?"

"Sending a picture to Pete," Mikey mumbles, putting his phone away once Pete gets it and replies with WTF. Whatever, he'll text him back later. He slowly walks closer and the unicorn stops munching on the grass nearby to make eye contact. Its eyes are bright blue and immediately remind him of the cotton candy in town fairs. The unicorn also has pink hair, or is it just a weird kind of horse fur?, to match. "So fuckin cool," he mumbles and he stops nearly a foot away from the mythical creature who is still looking at him. It occasionally moves it's horse tail and does a few horse like grumbles.

"It seems so calm," Gerard says quietly as if he's afraid if he talks loud it could run back to wherever it's come from.

Mikey hums absently and tries a reassuring smile at the unicorn and slowly pets it, first her long face then her horn. "Dude, can we keep her?" Mikey's always wanted a mythical creature to have in his home.

"What makes you think it's a she?"

Mikey turns around and waves his arms to some up the overall presence of the unicorn. "Blue eyes, pink hair, what else do you need." He regrets this as soon as he says it, knowing Gerard will go on a feminist rant about gender expectations and breaking away society's "Harsh stereotypes. We gotta break away from that shit, y'know?" He stops in the middle to finish his coffee and Mikey rolls his eyes like a man used to speeches like these and he turns back to her/him. Her/his unicorn fur, is it really fur? Lets's go with hide, is very white and very soft and he pets it softly with his hands. And after a few minutes unicorn turns to look at Mikey with what Mikey thinks is disappointment.

Mikey frowns, "Do you really have to go? Can we see you again?" He breaks into a smile as the unicorn nods its head and begins to turn away, slowly walking into the deeper parts of the forest until all Mikey can see is a small white dot that begins to fade away.

Gerard's hand lands on his shoulder all Don't worry, the unicorn will come back. He sighs again and turns to walk back towards the bus, feeling Gerard a step behind him. He scans the forest before stepping up onto the bus, getting his phone back to reply to Pete's message. Gerard walks past after another shoulder pat to refill his Starbucks cup with more coffee, mumbling about future murals he'll do of her. Mikey looks out at the gray road that they're on now, slowly leaving his unicorn but he feels less sad and more hopeful.

He knows in his heart that she'll find him again.

Author Notes: Well there you go, I hope it wasn't too sad. I tried to make Mikey be all "she'll come back for me." And she will later on after a show I think. But that's a later installment. Hope you enjoyed it, bb. And others who might've read it as well.
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