Jun 20, 2006 16:28
the institutions in society are really really pissing me off lately...
a conversation a few days ago rekindled a forgotten/blocked hatred for the public school system (esp. at the high school level)...
and not only that, but new-found passions against the complexities of our society.
More specifically, I'm pretty peeved about all the bullshit bureaucratic hoops I have to jump through (not to mention signatures, background checks, employment history, paperwork, applications and co-signing...) all just to get a fucking box to sleep in.
I cant believe I have to fill out a stack of papers and pay $66 dollars for them to do a credit check on everyone involved just so they can consider letting me move in.
getting angry about that makes me get all worked up about even more ridiculous forms of limitation...like removing public benches because the people sitting on them are not of a certain quality, like there is a prerequisite or standard for sitting near EXPRESS or the post office... fuck, I might not even be of the "right" economical class to sit on a bench.