(no subject)

Oct 02, 2009 22:30

I just saw your "response" post and I didn't have anything to say initially reading it but maybe you should get things straight too before you respond. I don't know how you saw my entry nor do I really care, but that was a private matter; meaning most of the people who actually took the time to read it don't personally know you. The ones who've heard of you, already have their impression of you, so my entry doesn't have anything to do with shaping their already-formed opinions. The ones who have no idea who you are, aren't going to go out of their way to find out. But you, wrote it as a public entry, which irritates me even more.

I don't act like I was the victim other than I was dumb enough to try and reconcile my already faulty friendship with you. I wasn't trying to bring Lionel into our problems; him and I solved that issue on our own - and I apologize on my part for not remembering the exact date where I jokingly made a "racist" comment. Two years, one year, 6 months - does it really matter? The point was that he and I had "beef" and I already apologized. But having him, Jesse, and only God knows who else talk shit about me so publicly and obviously on a social networking site? I had enough. Yes, we stopped talking before you started dating Jeff but I had the impression it was just another argument and we would be friends again eventually; which is why I was so deeply hurt when you started dating him.

If you read my entry thoroughly, you would see that I didn't blame shoplifting on you; I wrote you were the one who got me into it. I remember the first time we did it too, as if it was yesterday. You three wanted to steal Blondie skirts to match at the upcoming school dance and I didn't want to because I was scared. You three assured me it was okay and that we wouldn't get caught. You three took 4 Blondie skirts and I left with you guys. Afterward, we went into Hollister and with your reassurance, I stole a glittery skinny blue belt off a pair of jeans. If it were not for you, Charlene, and Diane, would I have gotten into shoplifting? Probably not. I only brought that up in my original entry because you and I did it together the most often. I don't blame it on you, if anything, it was my fault due to bad judgement. But were you not the one who got me into it? You stopped only after getting caught the second time in Colorado, which was after I had already stopped - so don't try and "twist" the truth either.

To be honest, I didn't talk shit about you when the Jeff incident happened. Did I tell people what you did to me? Yes. Did I have reason to tell people what you did? Yes, because you hurt me. You talking shit about me wasn't justified but you have that freedom to do so, so I can't really do anything about it - I just didn't appreciate you doing it so publicly on facebook. You were annoyed by whatever I did and talked shit, whereas I was deeply hurt by you dating my ex. In my entry, I didn't pretend as if I've never talked shit either. Any of my LJ friends would know that I massively talk shit, plenty of it; just not about you. I tried reconciling our friendship plenty of times, so why would I be talking shit about the person I was honestly trying to be friends with? That doesn't make much sense.

I'm sorry you felt that way during our friendship but just so you know, I felt the same way. When you say I pointed out things about you, please clarify. And I have no idea what you're talking about when you say you would catch me looking and I would say a negative comment? If I remember correctly, throughout our friendship, I was jealous of you - why would I be saying negative things about you when I wanted to be you, basically. I always said you were prettier than me, cooler than me, thinner than me; I honestly don't remember me saying a negative comment to you. If I did, please enlighten me. I did say negative things about other people, but so did you. Again, how did we "connect"? Talking shit about Alice. If you weren't interested in rebuilding our friendship, you should've just been up front about it, instead of giving me false hopes and wasting my time and effort. I hate having awkward tensions with other people, which is why I was hoping one day, all this stupid shit would eventually pass us. You mentioned one time in an IM chat, that I was really awkward and I have since then been trying really hard to change that. I really thought you were okay with being friends again since we've been "friends" for some time now after the Jeff incident, and I really wanted to hang out more often to fix my awkwardness around you. Instead, here we are again because of some facebook status you put up.

I'm not trying to argue as well but you don't speak the full truth either. By the way, that day I text you was to confront you on this subject matter but I thought against it because I didn't want to start anything unnecessary and more drama; which was why I wrote a private entry. But seeing as you read it, when you weren't suppose to, then you would've also saw that deleting you off LJ wasn't personal and by any means ending our "friendship". If you didn't want to be friends, you should've just deleted me a long time ago instead of doing it after I wrote my original post and talking shit behind my back. If you have the balls to do it publicly in a status, then have enough balls to say it directly to me.
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