This is complete crap! Apparently ownership means nothing anymore.
Homes may be 'taken' for private projects
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for privately owned economic development projects.
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Comments 10
Here's a thought they never came up with. The city can take that land and turn it into an office park, but it's the city who will pay for it and build it and own it and rent it out and collect the rent as well as the taxes (a percentage of which will be paid to the displaced residents). See how fast the city runs when they're told they have to build a multi-million office park then. And the day spa? fuggetaboutit. Those people would probably keep their homes.
Welcome to Geroge W. Bush's America :(
it COULD be W's fault in that they're doing this to repair a job market and economy which is in the toilet, but only part of the blame for THAT can be heaped into El Presidente's lap. If you're going to blame someone, blame the justices of the supreme court. I note, proudly, that my homeboys Renquist, Thomas, Scalia and O'Conor are the 4 with the wisdom to shy away from this one. the other 5 have no mind for the kind of precedent they just set.
"Should cities be allowed to seize homes and buildings for private projects as long as they benefit the public good?" * 108700 responses
-Yes, all parties benefit in the long run:
-No, property owners will lose and developers gain
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