(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 13:40

Why does EVERYONE'S live journal have DOTTED lines around the entries?! STOP COPY AND PASTING OTHER PEOPLES CODE PLEASE. It's totally unoriginal not to mention UNATTRACTIVE. ALSO when links get SO FUCKING BIG THAT YOU CAN'T READ THEM AND THEY TURN INTO AN UNBEARABLY UGLY COLOR WHEN YOU PUT YOUR MOUSE ON THEM, that makes me want to commit suicide. I can't even click the link because it MOVES when I put my mouse over it.

You suck at designing your journal... mostly cause you just copied someone elses overrides.

And if you look at mine and say SHUT UP YOU DON'T EVEN MAKE AN ATTEMPT. That's because I see NO point in doing it. MAYBE I'll throw in a back ground picture... MAYBE... but even still, that just DETRACTS from the main feature of the page, the entries themselves.

P.S. When I get internet at my dad's im starting a new LJ account because the DATES in this one are ALL FUCKED UP, and my OCD says that It can't handle that anymore. They are all 3 years ahead of time cause some fucker in my family moved the computer clock up 3 years so when I try to post from a comp that has the right year it says I can't because it's like i'm trying to post in the past. SO I'M GETTING A NEW ACCOUNT.

I have a few usernames in mind, they are all equally kick ass. We'll see...
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