Due to the number of comments on the application comment page, I have decided to move the old applications to the memory page. Here they are...in the order they came as.
Name: Steve
Nickname: Skeebo, Keshin
Age: (16+, sorry) 18 (in like a month)
Location: Boston, Ma
Hobbies: guitar, music, writing, skateboarding, biking, videogames
Do you smoke? not cigarettes
What music do you listen to? punk, ska, raggae, jam, rap, metal, bluegrass, folk, emo, and everything in between
Who's your role model/idol and why? kill your idols, because they limit you
Why do you think you belong here? i wanna get my face knocked in
How do you vent your feelings? writing, skateboarding, guitar, others
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? i like hitting myself
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Tyler Durden
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? no
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? absolutely
Would you hit me as hard as you can? i dont got much but sure
Anything else you want to add? i am not my fucking khakis
Name:Kris Baucom
Nickname:In Project Mayhem, there are names only in death
Age: 18
Location:Rome, Georgia
Hobbies:Music and disrupting the status quo
Do you smoke?Yes
What music do you listen to?All kinds, One of my favorite bands being tool
Who's your role model/idol and why?Bill Hicks, Because quiet frankly, he was the verbal equevelent of Tyler Durden. Every show was like a little fight club, and anyone who would come to see him was asking him to hit them as hard as he could.
Why do you think you belong here?Consumerism has consumed us....
How do you vent your feelings?By Destroying something beautiful
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often?Yes
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Syd Vicious, Us skinny guys fight till we're burger.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? All the time
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Truer then it should be
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Yes
Anything else you want to add?how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?
Name: Marnie
Nickname: mazz
Age: (16+, sorry) 16
Location: australia
Hobbies: music, writing, thinking, hurting
Do you smoke? occasionally
What music do you listen to? jeff buckley, smashing pumpkins, radiohead, led zeppelin, marilyn manson, pink floyd, nirvana, pearl jam
Who's your role model/idol and why? no one. people disgust me far too much
Why do you think you belong here? I want to get bashed and I'm constantly enraged
How do you vent your feelings? inflicting physical pain on myself, writing, yelling, ripping things apart
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? I sometimes hit myself but haven't really been in a fist fight... so I don't know much about myself.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. John Howard, prime minister of my country. I'd love to wipe that homophobic smirk off his face and I listened to the satisfactory thud as his solid form hit the ground.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No but I think I'll start.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Hell yes.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? I'm very weak but sure.
Anything else you want to add? I can't fight very well but I'd love to get knocked around and get my face all smashed up.
Name: Mallory
Nickname: Mal
Age: 17
Location: D.C. Metro Area
Hobbies: Writing, botony and contemplating the legitimacy behind that whole "energy cannot be destroyed, only cycled through the ecosystem" bull.
Do you smoke? I've experimented. Wasn't my cup of tea.
What music do you listen to? Rock & heavy alternative. And Aggro-- fuck that Emo crock.
Who's your role model/idol and why? My role model is my neighbor's dog. It has been desprived of all earthly pleasures (real food, sex, ect). I now acknowledge it as a saint.
Why do you think you belong here? I've been told I'm two faced-- I'm mellow and complacent one minute until someone/something occurs that isn't to my liking where I then become irritated. I say horrible things when I'm irritated, sometimes to people I associate with, but they stick around. I guess it's my charisma.
How do you vent your feelings? As stated, I tend to say things in a mean way. It's not my fault their pansy-asses can't take a little fire. I seldom become violent. I have come to the conclusion however that I do indeed pack a punch.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Not often. They do happen regularly though. I've averaged one every six weeks or so. Not many actually strike back though. I get dissapointed, but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over it.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why.
Agatha Christie. She was a tough old broad. And besides, I always wanted to fist fight a Brit. It's a cultural experience.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yes, to an extent. You can percieve it that way but why would one care about their spirit and culture anyway? Everything is ruled in the subconscious-- override the subconscious and you are free to feel what you want and not what your mind has programmed you to feel.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? I go to a schitzophrenia support group with my uncle. I sit in the back and watch, but I don't attend. Very interesting though.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? I'd be much obliged.
Anything else you want to add? I'm not a masochist. If someone hits me, they better hit me hard enough to immobilize me, because I'll knock their ass out even if I am 5'.
Name: Lou
Nickname: Lumphammer
Age: 29
Location: UK
Hobbies: Pretty much anything I can do on my own or in my own head.
Do you smoke? No, never got the point.
What music do you listen to? Depends on my mood. Anything from classical to metal.
Who's your role model/idol and why? It'd have to be a composite, there are bits I like about people, but no-one person alone would qualify. Bits of Henry Rollins, bits of Bill Hicks, bits of some people I know.
Why do you think you belong here? I'm not sure I belong anywhere, but here seems to fit better than most places.
How do you vent your feelings? Depends on the feeling. Yeah, I vent fury by hitting things, or people, but sadness, lust, disappointment ? Other ways....
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Never seen the point of hitting myself. Other people though, hell yes. Walls, too.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. So many dickheads, so little time. Hard to pick a favourite. The Pope's got a lot to answer for, but I don't think that'd be much of a fight.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No, but I'm British. We don't do that sort of thing very well.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yes, No, and Yes. We don't have a great revolution against the culture. At least not this side of the pond. We sure as hell need one though.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? If I could reach that far, sure.
Anything else you want to add? All sorts of things. But not necessarily in an open post.
Nickname:Does it matter?
Age: (16+, sorry)18
Location:Coral Springs, Fl
Hobbies: Martial Arts:Judo, ju Jitsu, boxing, kick boxing,
Do you smoke? no
What music do you listen to? techno and metal
Who's your role model/idol and why?I dont have one, but if i did, i probably want to beat the shit outta him
Why do you think you belong here? the above comment
How do you vent your feelings?hitting things. lifting weights
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? i dont hit myself, but i do like to get into fist fights. hasnt happened in a while though.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why? pick one, and ill fight them
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? no
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yes
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Only if you got up from the first time i hit you
Anything else you want to add? Would it matter if i did?
Name: once upon a time names meant something. Nowadays your name isn't important. Just your numbers. Your tax file number, your social security number, your body stats, your age. Numbers. Random collections of digits ranging 0-9, meaningless cold computer speak for meaningless cold faces in a meaningless cold future. My name is nothing, only a numb human tradition based on parental whim.
Nickname: Corvus. This is the name that chose me. The only paperwork it appears on involves Law Enforcement.
Age: 24
Location: Sydney, Australia
Hobbies: wierd science, the occult, ancient civilizations, forbidden knowledge, weaponry...
Do you smoke? ohhh yeah.
What music do you listen to? Dark, emotive and loud. Anything but the pre-chewed, tasteless formula of "popular".
Who's your role model/idol and why? Weary Dunlop. A man of medicine enlisted into Allied forces in WWII. He was posted to the Australian forces at Singapore, forces that were handed over to the Japanese without a fight and then subjected to four years of forced labor, beatings, executions, starvation, sickness and torture. The only difference between the Japanese camps and Auschwitz was the Japanese Army didn't have ovens and chimneys, just unmarked graves in the jungle. Weary experimented with jungle foilage to find treatments, invented and improvised, even smuggled in eggs to give sick men protein. His finest moment was when the Japanese were walking through the SIngapore hospital bayoneting the sick. He stood in front of a hospital bed and screamed at a soldier that they would only get to the other patients if they went through him. He was unarmed. I met him before he died. He was humble, optimistic, wise and haunted. He came from a time when being in an army meant honour.
Why do you think you belong here? because this culture I'm born into nauseates me. We're taught that the people begging on the street are invisible. Criminals trash lives and walk away on technicalities. Vigilantes seek justice and are "criminals" for it. People obsess over cars, clothes, shoes, their weight. People call a pierced cock "mutilation" and then cut their chests open to put in carcinogenic silicone or have their faces paralysed with toxins. It's unfashionable to age. No-one wants responsibility for their own actions. The government is dominated by corporations and the religious right, and the propaganda is swallowed whole by the somnambulent majority. No-one cares as long as the bread and circuses keep flowing. 1/3 women have been raped, 74% knew their attacker and 71% were pre-planned. USA sees a rape every 1.3 seconds. We're told the world population is increasing, when the Western birth-rate is almost zero and third world countries have epidemic AIDS, wars, famine. The pattern falls apart, the centre cannot hold... I am fucking pissed off.
How do you vent your feelings? Lately I've been forced to bottle it, and the strain is starting to show.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Ohhh yeah. Last sharehouse I was in we introduced "The Neckpunch Jar" as created by John Cheese. We made $42 in one night once, all in small change.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. George W. Bush. I want to see whether his military training and Texan background can overcome his male cheerleading or not. Plus there would be an enormous satisfaction in punching the "leader of the free world" in the face.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? I went to a support group for a problem I didn't have for nine months.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Only if people fight for their spirit, open their fucking eyes and see that we need a revolution, realise the meaningless sleepwalk of their daily existance.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? No. You have to hit me first.... then I promise, I will hurt you.
Anything else you want to add? Democracy is a lie.
Name: Claire
Nickname: god, there are so many, but none i really fancy so, we will move on.....
Age: (16+, sorry) 17
Location: Hollywood
Hobbies: Doing my part to create a little bit of chaos in the world. XD In other words, all those annoying things your rebulican neighbors are waving their fists and yelling about.
That and watching movies, lots and lots of movies. With a little bit of reading and LJ tossed in their.
Do you smoke? Like a chimney
What music do you listen to? Little bit of everything. I like anything from the specials to johnny cash. However I mostly listen to punk and ska, and run around skanking/mashing in my room. What can I say, I am a dork who occasionally, breaks some stuff mashing.
Who's your role model/idol and why? Hmmm, don’t really have any. Role models are just another set up for disappointment. But the last two I had were, Che Guevara (when I was 14) and Indiana Jones (when I was 11)
Why do you think you belong here? Because I am a disgruntle insomniac who thinks that fight club is the stuff of gods and basically I just want to beat the crap out of something and get the crap beat out of me back. There is nothing I like more than the feeling after I have been in a mash pit and I am covered in black and blue marks and every step hurts more than the last.
How do you vent your feelings? A combination of your typical hooligan activities, and writing. And then some odd stunts, that only one of my friends will be an accomplis to, like taping hamburgers to SUVs or stealing fire extinguishers and have the equivilant of a water fight with those.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Yes, but I don’t get much chances these days. The world is made up for prozac poping pussies.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Bjork, because that woman scares the shit of out me and I think its about sometime someone someone kicked the shit out of her.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Nope, but that’s mostly because I am afraid of support groups after being dragged to AA meetings my whole life.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Absolutely
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Gadly ^_^
Anything else you want to add?
” I just don't want to die without a few scars.”
Age: (16+, sorry)19
Location: Washington
Hobbies: music, reading, making mix tapes,
Do you smoke? yes
What music do you listen to? Classic rock, alternative, techno, rap, punk, indie, folk.
Who's your role model/idol and why? fuck roll models, they can just let you down.
Why do you think you belong here? i am not really sure, but i would probably fit in better here then other communities.
How do you vent your feelings? Screaming, alcohol, listening to music very loud and dancing around the house.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? i don't really ever feel the need to hit myself, but i always want to hit other people to get my frustration out.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. I know someone already said this person but i really would like to fight George W. Bush because I hate him and what he stands for.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No, but i think it could be very interesting though
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yes i do.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Sure can
Anything else you want to add? "You met me at a very strange time in my life."
"One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.
Name: Katherine
Nickname: Tommy
Age: (16+, sorry): 18
Location: Rhode Island
Hobbies: Sleeping, reading, staring into space, blowing up digital ewoks, swimming competitively, sailing
Do you smoke?: yes
What music do you listen to?: just about everything
Who's your role model/idol and why?: i have many but james burke is up there
Why do you think you belong here?: i like the idea of this communities focus. i dont want to always talk about how life is berautiful. i want to talk how i really feel sometimes and not have my freinds forward me slef help books.
How do you vent your feelings?: often in my lj, sometimes by hitting things, sometimes by sailing, sometimes by swimming
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often?: i love fights but hitting myself is unsatifactory vause im always expecting it.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why: george bush cause id like to see him bleed from something other than a pretzel.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have?: no. but i spend too much time on lj
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true?: in some ways.
Would you hit me as hard as you can?: if you wanted me to.
Anything else you want to add?: i am not a beautiful or unique snowflake and i find smiley faces irritating.
Name: Andy
Nickname: Andy
Age: (16+, sorry) 17
Location: Oak Park, California
Hobbies: Making things that explode from things that dont.
Do you smoke? Yes
What music do you listen to? ska, rock, r&b, and whatever youd cadegorize MSI under.
Who's your role model/idol and why? MacGyver, cause he can do anything with anything
Why do you think you belong here? Im not going to give it a name, but I cant fall asleep, and when I do, I cant wake up. My life is boring, and I like to do things that people around me wont do.
How do you vent your feelings? I use my puching bag.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Dont hit myself, and dont usually get into fist fights... unfortunately
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. John Kerry, cause his face looks like a nice, flat, solid surface.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No, dont waste my time. Fuckin whiners...
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Not particularly, I dont need to agree or disagree with our cultures social views, I just try to have fun with the time i have...
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Yeah, how many times?
Anything else you want to add? Fuck cops, cops fuckin suck, so much....
Name: Rodti
Nickname: Trash
Age: (16+, sorry) 28
Location: Scotland
Hobbies: Ranting online. Ranting offline. Threatening inanimate objects.
Do you smoke? Constant battle to stop. Not winning.
What music do you listen to? Lots, but Tomahawk are a favourite.
Who's your role model/idol and why? I have no idea.
Why do you think you belong here? New people to rant at who might actually have the faintest clue what I'm banging on about.
How do you vent your feelings? Writing, screaming, shopping.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Perhaps not as often as I should.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. George W Bush. There isn't a flight of stairs in the world long enough to throw him down.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Nope.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yep.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Depends what with ;-)
Anything else you want to add? Nope.
Nickname:pyro, only_flesh
Hobbies:fighting, anarchy, learning, philosophy
Do you smoke? sometimes
What music do you listen to? rock, goth, classical
Who's your role model/idol and why? myself, we have no one else. I want to be the most fully myself, I aspire to be me. You are just deluding yourself if you think that you can find what you need from others. The whole term, "role model" is awful, so we're supposed to accept a role, and model ourselves after it. Yeah the fuck right.
Why do you think you belong here? I want to start my own Fight Club, in reality, not modeled after the book/movie, but a similar concept that I've pondered. I would like to see what the postings are like in this ring. I like the whole concept of Fight Club, the philosophy, the quotes, and the fight.
How do you vent your feelings? manipulation, physical pain.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Fist fights.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. John Wayne. He's the "tough cowboy" In an actual fight, how well would the people who spent their lives pretending to be tough truly fight. It would be interesting if he actually was so stoic and could fight well, that would make an interesting fight.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No, although, I make comments that I don't feel or believe, simply for the reaction, or because it seemed interesting.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? YES. When one does not have an outside fight, they fight in themselves, see the rat race. People don't have so many issues when they are fighting for their lives, aka, depression, SI, pansy-assness occurs less in dire situations. This is exhibited in the pyramid of
Would you hit me as hard as you can? yes, although one can't usually hit as hard as possible(the difference between someone on heavy drugs and ripping their own muscles, and average jo hitting with all his perceived strength)
Anything else you want to add? No.
Name : Kel
Nickname: If you want to call me anything, call me Pseudo. Or just give me a number. Thats all we are these days.
Age: 18
Location: McLean, Virginia, United States of America
Hobbies: Reading, writing, rugby, listening to music, learning, drinking, philosophy,
Do you smoke?: Sometimes.
What music do you listen to? Pretty much anything, though I have trouble tolerating mainstream pop music...I can't listen to it for prolonged periods or I end up going insane.
Who's your role model/idol and why? : What the hell is a role model? Its merely someone that you aspire to be, which is in fact a lie. Role models are simply personified representations of the status quo, something for the mindless drones of this dormant world to look up to. They are the plague of the system, they are the fuel that ignites the fire that threatens to consume all of civilization. Role models capitalize on the materialistic tendancies of the entire world, and thusly contribute to the corporate lie that we all face every waking moment of our lives. I've had enough. I want to break free.
Why do you think you belong here? : Why do any of us belong here? I was put here because I have no purpose. Of course, I help others with their problems when I get the chance, I try to make them wake up, so that they can see the evidence of the endless machinations of the status quo all around us. Ever since seeing "Fight Club" for the first time, I thought it was a great movie, but there was something to it, a deeper meaning that I couldn't put my finger on. Now I know. I need to break free of this mindless cycle of materialism and obsession over wealth and materialism.
How do you vent your feelings?: Punching bag, lifting weights, writing stories/poems, though usually I just swallow it, and it builds up inside of me. Thats why I'm looking to start a Fight Club.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often?: Hopefully I will starting fist fighting soon. As I just said, I'm trying to start a Fight Club in my area.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why: Hm...Well, I'd have to say one of two people. Living, I would fight Clint Eastwood. Mainly, because he's protrayed in his movies as a tough, rough, badass person, and I'd like to see how well he'd hold up in reality.
Dead? I would want to fight George Washington. With all the myths, legends and stories surrounding the hero of the American Revolution, I would like to fight him just to see what he looked like in real life.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Nope. Don't plan on doing it in the future, either. You're better off just depending on yourself rather than others for help.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? : Yeah. The movie brings up a disturbingly valid, strong point, in that because of this lack of central conflict in our lives, we have fallen into this endless cycle of materialism. We need to break free as a people, I think that independent thought is dying. Everyone depends on someone else in order to form their own opinions. Sure, its a good thing to listen to the counsel of your peers, but not on the scale that most people these days are. I'm disgusted with the way things have turned out in the world today and I'm looking to change it as much as I can.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Yes.
Anything else you want to add? Reality is a lie. We all know that the senses can be decieved, so how do we know that everything around us is reality? We are all living the lie that corporations have fed us from the cradle. Reality is what the corporations, what the wealthy and the empowered dictate, it isn't what we make it anymore. It isn't our own perception anymore. I want to find the truth. Most people fear the truth because it represents something that goes against the grain. I don't. I want to find the truth behind all the lies.
Name: Rachel
Nickname: chino
Age: (16+, sorry) 18
Location: west virginia
Hobbies: reading, writing, acting
Do you smoke? train-smoke
What music do you listen to? grunge, death metal, glam rock
Who's your role model/idol and why? idols restrict you. it's okay to kill your idols.
Why do you think you belong here? where else would i belong? my search for peace isn't going too well.
How do you vent your feelings? either hurting the person or smashing my fist
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? it seems so
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. oprah. she'd fight me until i was pulp.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? online, yes
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? yes. we're so spoiled that we make our own problems.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? absolutely.
Anything else you want to add?
i feel like destroying something beautiful.
Name: Ashley
Nickname: Ash, Ashes, Darkie, Oreo, Bitch
Age: (16+, sorry) 17
Location: Ashland, Ky (But really Out of My Mind, anywhere)
Hobbies: Reading, writing, infomercial watching, htmling, laptoping, surfing the web, pictures
Do you smoke? Not anymore
What music do you listen to? I like stupid weird oldies music that gets stuck in my head. Um classical music. Pretty Girls Make Graves, Bright Eyes, just a mix of everything
Who's your role model/idol and why? I don't worship anyone. Because worshipping someoone makes you feel as if they have something you don't. Anybody above you? Take what they have
Why do you think you belong here? I'm sitting here at 2:57. I'm on a Fight Club kick again. I'm dying not to find some stupid addicting game that will keep me glued to my laptop. I'm contemplating world dominance, and the fall of the American government.
How do you vent your feelings? Self injury, picking on those weaker than me, searching for fights, destroying things
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? I love to hit myself.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Tyler Durden.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? I have often thought about it. And I may just go do that now.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yes, very.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Hell yeah, I pack a mean one.
Anything else you want to add? I am not this house, I am not these materialstic pieces of bullshit. I'm not a unique snowflake. I'm just a fucking human being with carnivirous habits and a thirst for danger.
Name:Hannah Hutchinson
Nickname:whatever you want
Age: (16+, sorry)16
Location:Boston, MA
Do you smoke? yes
What music do you listen to? whatever im in the mood for, it always changes
Who's your role model/idol and why? dont have one
Why do you think you belong here? Because I am
How do you vent your feelings? give hell
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? yes
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Brad Pitt. to see how good he really is
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? I've wanted to try
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? of caourse
Would you hit me as hard as you can? yes
Anything else you want to add? Me and a couple of ppl have started a "project mayhem" -esq group in Boston
Name: Mishelle
Nickname: dont have one...
Age: (16+, sorry) 20
Location: glasgow, scotland
Hobbies: music, film, art, photography
Do you smoke? no
What music do you listen to? Depends what mood im in, could be metal, could be punk, relaxing, experimental.
Who's your role model/idol and why? i dont like to have to compare myself to anyone else, or have to follow them,
Why do you think you belong here? Because what you described is what i feel.
How do you vent your feelings? by hurting, either myself or others.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? myself
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Anyone who thinks thier famous and thinks thats all there is to life.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? no
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Everyone wants an excuse to be unhappy, since there is no major war or anything similar, we are lost for an excuse, except the real one, us.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? yes.
Anything else you want to add?
There is nothing i can say to convince you of my beliefs, all you have to go on, is trust. thats what we all need; trust, or a good fight.
Name: Cody
Nickname: Reverend
Age: 18
Location: Geriatric Repository of the United States
Hobbies: marrying people to inanimate objects, philosophizing, blaspheming, heckling, ranting, devising ways to more efficiently dispose of people and objects, participating in pissing contests with "God" (Haven't lost yet)
Do you smoke? No.
What music do you listen to? Everything, really.
Who's your role model/idol and why? Sacco and Vanzeti (sp?)
Why do you think you belong here? Don't think I belong much of anywhere. So I'm here.
How do you vent your feelings? Violently when a controlled situation is presented
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Don't hit myself, but have fought when I could (not nearly often enough. That answer it?)
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Jesus. If he existed, that is. Reason would be because of the religion and, thusly, the followers he spawned. That man has caused the whole lot of us a good deal of grief.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No. I just sit in public places and watch people act like they aren't people.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Absolutely. We are the listless generation; even with the "War" on "Terror", most people still don't participate in their society.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Only if you hit back.
Anything else you want to add? Not at the moment.
Name: Emily
Nickname: cookie
Age: 16
Location: Santa Monica California
Hobbies: listening to/making music, swimming, reading....
Do you smoke? no
What music do you listen to? pink floyd, metallica, ac/dc, tenacious d, the offspring... wide variety
Who's your role model/idol and why? a few guys who i've known for a long time... some swimmers... i really admire this one guy because although hes incredibly talented, and the fastest swimmer in the leage, he never brags or acts cocky in any way.
Why do you think you belong here? i have some questions concerning the movie..also i'd like to let you know (in the least annoying way possible) that it's "locked community due to its violent content" and not "locked community due to it is violent content"
How do you vent your feelings? i think about whats bothering me over and over, and i suck it up and get over it
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? no and no
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. that olsen twin who was bulimic. she's about my size, and i could take her down cuz shes more of a twig than i am
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? no
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? seeing as how im not in english class, im not going to analyze it. so that would be a..... yes it's true.
Would you hit me as hard as you can?
Anything else you want to add? i dont care if i dont get added, i just wanted to let you know about the "it is" versus "its" thing. cuz it annoyed me. and i have some questions about the movie.
Name: Stephanie
Nickname: Hey, you.
Age: (16+, sorry) 19
Location: Lexinton, KY
Hobbies: rollerblading,
Do you smoke? I am so horribly addicted to caffeine that cigarettes or any other drug that you can inhale will kill me
What music do you listen to? Incubus, July for Kings, Pearl Jam
Who's your role model/idol and why? My invisible friend Fred…because he’s cool
Why do you think you belong here? I have broken a person’s nose before
How do you vent your feelings? I scream and hit a punching bag
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? yes
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Rosie O’Donald…just because she is bigger then me
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? yes
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? yes
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Yes
Nickname:Rik Fury
Age: (16+, sorry)26
Location:Albuquerque, NM
Hobbies:Leathercraft, electronic music, graphic design
Do you smoke? off and on
What music do you listen to? Industrial, Powernoize, EBM, Synthpop
Who's your role model/idol and why? Sid Vicious-cause he's a bastard
Why do you think you belong here? cause i'm rik fury
How do you vent your feelings? weight-lifting, binge drinking, drugs, unstable-sex, scaring the populace with hatchets and t-ball bats
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Used to, but resorted to cutting-more impactful, i guess
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. i detest famous people, so i guess all of them
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? no, but i'm overly paranoid of the onset of dis-ease
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? yeah
Would you hit me as hard as you can? if that's what you want
Anything else you want to add? not really, except that i am pugilistic and misanthropic-overly acute to the deeds of lesser men
Age: (16+, sorry)23
Location:Milwaukee, WI
Hobbies:Riding my motorcycle, spinning vinyl, reading, writing, causing trouble, breaking into abandoned places
Do you smoke?I used to, but I got sinus and lung infections constantly from it.
What music do you listen to?Mostly shit from the 80s and 90s. I can't stand 9/10ths of what's out there today.
Who's your role model/idol and why?Helen Keller. She was deaf, blind and mute and still had enough sense to become a socialist.
Why do you think you belong here?I don't fucking "belong" anywhere.
How do you vent your feelings?I tried taking boxing lessons but it still took too much control over my anger to do it. Now I write a lot or buy busted appliances and break them with my softball bat. It takes a lot of self restraint some days for me to not intentionally start fights with strangers.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often?Self-mutilation is stupid. And I don't get into fist fights often but when I do, they're great. And I win.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why.George W. Bush
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have?Yes.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true?Partially. The first and last parts are true. The middle part though...I don't see any revolution happening against the culture. And that is exactly what's wrong.
Would you hit me as hard as you can?Sure thing, kiddo.
Anything else you want to add?If this is lame or a waste of my time, I WILL hit you as hard as I can.
Name: Danielle
Nickname: Danny. Kelly. gface.
Age: (16+, sorry)16
Location: Lawn Guyland, New York
Hobbies: Books. Hacky Sack. Music. Writing. Movies. Finding new and interesting ways to occupy my time.
Do you smoke? Yes. Various things.
What music do you listen to? Everyone has this different idea and opinion as to what is what. So I'll just go with this,--Alternative and Rock.
Who's your role model/idol and why?
I haven't got one. Never meet your heroes or Idols. They only end up disappointing you.
Why do you think you belong here? Because most people think I'm crazy. Perhaps the people here, won't.
How do you vent your feelings? By painting or writing. Running is a swell option too. So is beating the crap out of my brother.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? I can't say I have hit myself. But I've been in a few fights before.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Matt Damon. I would enjoy the thrill of kicking his ass. Enough said.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? I've lied about having diseases online. Call me crazy, but in the past I believed I had cancer. Of course, my doctor insisted that I was fine and blah blah blah.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true?Sure. I mean, this is no Utopia. We're always fighting for something. Emotionally. Mentally. We are never happy with ourselves. We are never happy with one another.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Of course. When and where?
Anything else you want to add? Carrots are your friends.
Name: Tarcos
Nickname: Tarcos
Age: (16+, sorry) 24
Location: Wisconsin
Hobbies:Larp, gaming, computers, reading
Do you smoke? Constantly.
What music do you listen to? Prettymuch anything that doesnt suck
Who's your role model/idol and why? My Grandfather, just for being tougher than shit and refusing to give up through being everything.
Why do you think you belong here? I dont really belong anywhere. Might as well hang out with the misfits.
How do you vent your feelings? Quiet rage and obsessive work ethic.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Actually, I dont really like violence that much. But I appreciate its value in todays current soft and fluffy viewpoint.
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Eric Estrada. Cause.. well.. just look at him.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Nah. But Im here, so I guess thats something, no?
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Absolutely. We as american men struggle against an oppression of niceties.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? If you want me to.
Anything else you want to add?
"My wish right now is for me to die. I am nothing in the world compared to Tyler.
I am helpless.
I am stupid, and all I do is want and need things.
My tiny life. My little shit job. My Swedish furniture. I never, no, never told anyone this, but before I met Tyler, I was planning to buy a dog and name it "Entourage."
This is how bad your life can get.
Kill me. "
Name: Karen Anne
Nickname: Kitten
Age: 17
Location: The little peace of The Southern North; Chapel Hill
Hobbies: Reading, music, gaming, long walks
Do you smoke? no
What music do you listen to? anything and everything. Ask me for a band, and I've either got it, or I will have it by the end of the hour.
Who's your role model/idol and why? I'd love to say I have one, but I think they're useless. Idolizing someone is just another justification for the meaninglessness of our lives.
Why do you think you belong here? Yes.
How do you vent your feelings? I write, I run, I break mirrors.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? How much can you know about yourself if you don't get into a fight?
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Brad Pitt. I'd like to take tyler up on his offer to hit him as hard as I can.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Several.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Yes. Absolutely.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? When and where?
Anything else you want to add? Waste of breath, until I know if I'm invited.
Name: hakeem hashash
Nickname: hashash
Age: 17
Location: Oregon City
Hobbies: making and watching movies, listening and making music
Do you smoke? nah, ive got better things to do
What music do you listen to? indie/alt.
Who's your role model/idol and why? role models are for people who aren't self-satisfied.
Why do you think you belong here? because this movie rules, and i personally box
How do you vent your feelings? through fighting
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? not usually fist, thats how i got my glasses, almost tore out my eye, but i box alot
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. hannibal lector, because if he tried to bite me, id punch off that fuckers head
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? sometimes i tell people i have cancer to get them to fuck me
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? sure. you can do anything if you want.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? if you wanted me to
Anything else you want to add? i have to take a shit really bad
Name: Frank
Nickname: Afro Thunder
Age: (16+, sorry) 16
Location: Lynbrook, Long Island, NY
Hobbies: is it bad that i can't think of any?
Do you smoke? unfortunately, though i don't see how it's relevant
What music do you listen to? I'm plagued with phases; I used to listen to only metal, now i've learned not to care. I mostly listen to music like The Doors, NIN, anything inbetween.
Who's your role model/idol and why? Chuck Palahniuk by far. He's my favorite writer and one of the koolest human beings alive.
Why do you think you belong here? I actually dont think i belong anywhere. You dont have the right to put me anywhere. But if you think i have what it takes, then my goal is accomplished.
How do you vent your feelings? i've learned not to be angry anymore. I've been angry all my life and it's gotten me nowhere, so why bother.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Self mutilation is the stupidest idea since, well ever. Fighting though? It's great. It's a rush. All animals do it; why shouldn't we?
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Laura Bush. She's even worse than the husband. She needs a beating, pronto.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? I'm too lazy.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? Sure
Would you hit me as hard as you can? What's the first 2 rules of Fight Club?
Anything else you want to add? The book is amazing. So are all other Chuck P titles. They're my therapy.
Age: 19
Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Hobbies: Emotional cheerleader.
Do you smoke? I cause it.
What music do you listen to? Industrial, Jrock
Who's your role model/idol and why? Julius Caesar. Took over the known world with his wit and charm.
Why do you think you belong here? I want to be part of the revolution...
How do you vent your feelings? Kickboxing.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? Yes
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. Paris Hilton. I want to destroy a cultural icon that represents the bloat of society.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Of course.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? The youth of america these days has no real hardship to overcome other than the taint that is american life.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Why not.
Anything else you want to add? Marla Singer and I both get calls from dead people.
Name: Tyler
Nickname: fl00d
Age: 19
Location: Straya (Australia)
Hobbies: reading, writing, philosophy, martial arts
Do you smoke? Nah, only weed
What music do you listen to? Anything thats trippy... Im a NIN fan.
Who's your role model/idol and why?
My Grandfather. He was humble and lived life to the fullest. He appreciated the little
things, and saw beyond the crap that the world threw at him.
Why do you think you belong here? Because I am truly nothing
How do you vent your feelings? Through my artwork
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? ...yea
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why.
Bruce Lee. He would teach me a great deal about myself through
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? No
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great
Depression is our lives." is true?
Unfortunately, yes.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? yea, no worries.
Anything else you want to add?
Enlightenment comes from a lifetime’s journey, not through shopping and excessive masturbation. We [humans] are decaying away,
as we sit and watch television and buy lots of shit that we don't need. We stopped evolving and became something terrible and
The journey of life is yours and yours alone, and in the end it is only with yourself. Burn all your possessions, and walk
the earth as an individual, with no one dictating your existence...
Feel pain, feel pleasure. Taste destruction...Only you can walk through the door.
It is because you cherish life, that you must protect it....
*Name:* nadine
*Nickname:* hysterical and useless
*Age:* (16+, sorry) 17
*Location:* ontario, canada
*Hobbies:* reading, writing, sleeping, wasting away, music,
*Do you smoke?* no not particularly
*What music do you listen to?* a wide range of genres, anything outside of mainstreams regurgitated, talentless pop
*Who's your role model/idol and why?* aspiring to be someone is another way to be the same. Another way to eliminate individuality, but to be perfectly honest and uncreative, Chuck Palahniuk is someone i look up to. As i want to be a writer, he is my role model, for his style and his voice.
*Why do you think you belong here?* because i'm as pathetic as everyone else, a copy of a copy of a copy. I hate this formulated, oraganized safe world i live in, where everyone wants to look the same but claim that they are unique. Still nothing of me is original, everything I'm saying has been said before. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known, but still, venting is important, and writing is how i do it. If i can do it with other people who feel the same, as pathetic, useless, and generic as me with a commen distaste for their enviroment, here is the place.
*How do you vent your feelings?* I write, but lately it hasnt been keeping me sane. I'm not physically violent, but my writing can get pretty violent sometimes.
*Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often?* I imagine fighting people. The people i see everyday,all of these clones squealing in the halls of my highschool about their petty lives, i imagine beating their repulsive faces, but I would never actually.
*Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why.*This Ashley Simpson girl. The new Idol of the month. She promotes a certain rebelious teen punk attitude, but really she is just another formulated media/label/money contrived Diva like her sister, lip syncing the words to songs she never wrote, inspiring every girl who ever turned their channel to MTV to be JUST LIKE HER.
*Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have?* no,
*Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true?* yes, but most people, are blind to this, floating along, existing half asleep, being fed down the throat by anything sparkly that catches their eye.
*Would you hit me as hard as you can?* not unless you brought it upon yourself.
*Anything else you want to add?* we're being told to be afriad, trained to think we're safe. locking oursleves in, a "pig in a cage on anti-biotics". it's conformity wrapped up in a lie.
Name: D. Remy
Nickname: Remy
Age: legal
Location: NYC
Hobbies: play the guitar, shoot pool, throw darts...
Do you smoke? not currently.
What music do you listen to? metal, industrial, hardcore, punk...
Who's your role model/idol and why? no one really, be your own. youll never understand who you are by looking up to others.
Why do you think you belong here? theres nowhere else i seem to belong.
How do you vent your feelings? theres this kung fu dancing stuff i do thats pretty lethal.
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often? i try not to, but when necessary...
Mention a famous person you would like to fight and why. ben affleck needs his ass kicked... general principle.
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? i searched for support groups online for a problem i did have, but i did not join any.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? yes. but it depends on which side of culture you are on. those who are find culture beneficial really have no war to fight.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? depends where.
Anything else you want to add? its 4:44 AM... enough said.
Name: Robert
Nickname: none
Age: 22
Location: Tallahassee, FL
Hobbies: making movies, making music
Do you smoke? no
What music do you listen to? Radiohead, Belle and Sebastian, Goldfrapp, Smashing Pumpkins, Pink Floyd, PJ Harvey, Bjork, Tori Amos, etc
Who's your role model/idol and why? Thom Yorke because he whines so pretty
Why do you think you belong here? I want to fight
How do you vent your feelings? I bottle them up inside until I explode
Do you hit yourself or love getting into fist fights often?
Yes and no
Do you go to support groups or join support groups online of diseases and problems you don't have? Uh no.
Do you think the quote "(...) We have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives." is true? I'd have to reread it for context.
Would you hit me as hard as you can? Yes
Anything else you want to add? No