eyeball update

Jan 10, 2012 14:15

OY veh. It has been a day of mish mash. Several loooong meetings at work. We had to go to the opening session of the big Sales conference, another to learn about our new 401k plans. Being an adult sucks. I don't want to worry about this retirement stuff! *sigh* In between that another eye check-up.

The good news: 20/15 vision in both eyes. Woohoo! The bad news: some epithelial cells are growing under the cornea on my left eye, so back in a week for more surgery. The doctor wants to clean them out. Could be bad long term if we don't do anything. Oh well. Still worth it!

Finally, get to go back to painting. Today's task: world's tallest animal, the fastest animal and the loudest animal. The first two are freebies, but do you know the third? :D
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