Done with the Semester fully now

May 06, 2010 20:38

Well I finally got my grades in for the past semester. Out of the three classes I took I got A's in all 3 of them. So that'll keep my GPA nice and high. I applied to an honor society months ago but haven't heard a word back yay or nay about me getting in. I know the president of the society chapter finished his doctorate and is moving to Texas so many the needing to elect new people in the group has delayed it. I'm glad to not have to worry about anything for another week and a half and have some really neat classes lined up over the summer from what I hear. I'd like to hang out with some people over the next weeks but seems like many people are quite busy at the moment, so hopefully something will eventually come up I can get in on. Although with Mother's Day this Sunday and something on Saturday night at home I can really only go out tomorrow night but I'll have all next week. I also heard about a party at someone's place called wildwolf I think it was. So that should be fun since it's next weekend I think. Other than that I'm just playing games and such trying to kill time and like.
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