I thought this was done with

Jul 22, 2009 16:07

I don't know how but apparently I'm sick again, but WAY worse than I was at the apex of my sick crap I had last week. I'm sporting a fun fever and have this myriad of weird sensations last night that made it near impossible to fall asleep so I'm running on fumes again energy wise. I have this feeling that there is some cosmic joke to screw me out of going to Megaplex because at this point it's all I've got to look forward to after all the stuff that went down last week. I had forgotten how bad pain can be but it got to the point where I was crying because of how sever it was when I was trying to go to sleep. I'm doing my best to make it look not too serious to my parents so they don't get all worried. Hopefully it just stays like this since I can just about bear with it. Otherwise I'll need to see a doctor or go to the hospital and go through that whole song and dance.
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