A dissapointing yearly week

Jul 07, 2009 14:04

Well it was my birthday last Monday the 29th, and I don't know why I quite expected it to be better. The day itself was rather dull, both my parents were gone for most of the day wit their own pressing matters so barely anything happened at home. Had a nice dinner but would have liked to have kept it down, got a mild stomach virus apparently. My parents got me a GPS because it's the only thing I could think of of high value I wanted. I also need some more RAM but since that's like 25 bucks in all they wanted something a bit higher because it's my birthday. It is nice although now it feels like I won't have much opportunity to use it since I only go to a few places and that's it. The week was just dull and upsetting mostly. From sleepless nights, more stomach issues and getting a job offer that was uplifting then disappointing just made it painful. I hung out with Kryos and Lore on Friday i think which was nice, although there were so many things going on that I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I can understand why I couldn't hang with anyone with AC going on, but I had wished I could have gotten free time with someone but things just kept conflicting. Although I also know that people not saying happy birthday can irritate people, if someone doesn't tell it to me it's not that big of a deal and I feel bad telling people it's my birthday because I feel like they might think I'm doing it because of some ulterior motive. I didn't however think my ex, whom I was with for 4 and half years would forget my birthday. It was rather depressing that he couldn't even remember and shoot me a quick happy birthday but oh well, maybe next year. I just hope this week is better.
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