I went to Elliott's Spring Gathering over this weekend and had a really nice time. We had full days all three days I was there. The first day started off slow, mainly because everyone was checking in and such and people were taking a while to get there. After about 11-12PM mostly everyone was there socializing and everything. I was spending my time with
mangusu mainly and his roommate Kryos. We had a really nice time going to the things Friday and Saturday.
Friday we went to a place called Fun Spot which if you live here and watch TV you see the commercials all the time. It was nice although we had to take shuttles there to insure we got the group rate which was fully covered by the RSVP fee for Elliott's. The problem was the shuttles only held 14 people so we were waiting a while to get onto one since so many others were in line outside the convention center for the shuttle to return. The funspot was really fun, although I got kinda nauseous on one ride since I had just eaten and went on this large swing ride. Had a nice time other than that and enjoyed the black light golf they had in there. Mangy and I got beaten although me much more so, I kept shooting the ball off the particular number we were in.
The next day was just a day at the hotel, with artist things and the like. I commissioned a badge from a guy named Yamibliss and one the next day from Havok. Mangy and I were hanging around seeing the different artist's tables and seeing what was going on. We had lunch at this pizza place where the food was WAY too greasy and the waitress was rather rude at times. It hit my stomach pretty hard, was feeling sick for a while, even had to buy some Pepto-Bismol from the store in the hotel. I felt bad since it kept me from going into the pool that day but I just felt way too sick to go in. That day wrapped up and we went home after a bit of confusing who is riding with whom because of goings on there at the event. I rode with and drove the car of Kryos. We stopped by my place with my parents since I needed a fresh change of clothes and my phone charger as I was spending the night with at Mangy's place.
The next day was Wet n' Wild which was great as I hadn't been there since I was like 11 or 12. Rode on lots of the rides and got one hell of a workout caring rafts and such up 6-7 stories of ramps and stairs. Sure is a fun way to work out though. After the way wound down, people were saying their goodbyes and we headed back to Mangy's place. Today we just hung out and played games, Mangy suffered a crushing defeat in Civilization Revolutions by the Russians and French. Sure looks like a fun game though, makes me want to play through the Civ 4 games on the PC. We went to get some BBQ and it was really good ad sure filled me up. After tat we went back, hung out some more, and I came back home.
The whole experience was really great and I enjoyed it so much. I feel kind of down and depressed right now because it's over and that I have a cruise coming up with my parents. I know most people would really like going on cruises and it is nice and fun, but being with my parents all day without a single break and being the the same room with them, it just kind of kills it for me. Plus it's a Caribbean cruise, one that I've been on several times before. I just want it to end since I feel I've gotten closer to people and I really enjoy that I've been more social lately. I really want to be here more so that I can cultivate and harvest these relationships, with one in particular I really want to be kept as healthy and happy as possible. Well that's all for now in this giant post. I'll probably put something up on Monday when I get back from the cruise from Thursday.