Oct 26, 2002 19:39
Listening to sabbath, ah those drumb beats of the groovy 70s.
i saw 42nd Street, now what a beautiful play. Gosh darn i love that guy who played the rich texan guy!
got into nirvana finally, wow if i heard these song while i was depressed years ago who knows what i would've done. this is some moving stuff.
what else....
talked to amy, haven't spoken to her in a few weeks.
im sick, thats nothing new but most of my nose-stuffer is gone. my cough is dying down. no more headaches
(see karen, sweating it out works)
im about to eat dinner, mmm that chicken smells deeeee-lish
world series gets back out tonight, hmm maybe it started. im just rambling on here. watching 42nd street made me wish people didnt have to sleep so that i could have the time to learn how to tap dance. i wonder if i could give myself insomnia.
Mocha Choca Lata Yaya