So, I was going through my LJ from last year and found something some of you may remember. I found...
Autor: FerretGirl (Yes, I admit it)
Title: Shit! I need a title
Pairing: Lots! eventually, maybe.
Rating: R! language *nods*
Summary: Bad, bad, baaad fic.
A big thanks to me for beta reading it! spell check? Who needs spell check ::spits::
A/N: S4 did not happened, S3 did no happen, S2 did not happen & neither did S1 of AtS. In fact the entire show was a lie.We all know that Angle left with Wes & Spikey. So there. Also, Delia did happen, only she's not in love with Angle, obviously, cuz he's with Spikey & Wes. Gunn is there, as is Faith, cuz she rocks! Also Faith did not go bad, so no torture! On BtvS everything did happen, except the Faith and Spike stuff obviously. So Sunnidale is a gapping hole. Fred is not there, cuz i can't write Fred. Also Lorne...k?
This is what's known as a PWP. Plot? What Plot? Exactly there is no plot. Cuz really, I can't be bothered with those.
Shit! I need a title!
Wesley Whindahm-Prize, ex-Watcher extra-ordinaire & also very handsome, limped up the stairs. He had hurt his leg & stuff in a wicked fight with several vampyres. But he had beaten them & turned them to dust in the wind. If it were windy that is.
Spikey exclaimed, "Cor, blimey, bloody hell & also bugger!!" with a worried & tense frown upon his face, as he saw his lover come through the door. "Darling, sweetie what happened to you??" The platinum blond newly en-souled vampyre ran very fast over to Wes!
Wes said, "it is nothing Spike my luv, just a fleshwound" as he bled all over the floor.
Spikey said, "Cor, bloody hell Wes-pet luv, you're bleeding all over the by poor tibetan orphans handwoven white carpet. You're wounded!"
Spikey quickly turned around with super sonic vampyre speed, so very fast, with a worried & upturned frown upon his face to fetch help.
The dark haired brooding vamypre with a soul dressed in black, quickly flounced into the room & came to a staggering halt at the sight of their lover, bleeding all over the by poor tibetan orphans handwoven white carpet. [a/n they really exist! Check out bypoortibetanorphanshandwovencarpets.tib!!11!}
Angle said, "Wes Darling!! You are hurt! Let us take care of you please, please, please & also please."
Wes said, "Angle it is nothing, just a fleshwound," with a painfilled face, his blue orbs filled with unshed tears, as he limped & staggered further into the room. He nearly collapsed & would have if his two vamypre lovers & friends wouldn't have caught him lovingly & tenderly.
Gunn said, "Yo bro here ya are bro, we's wondering where ya ran off to yo," with a worried frown upon his face as he barged into the room, closely followed by the dark haired seer & the rogue slayer.
Wes said, "It is nothing Charles, just a flesh wound," with a painfilled face & tight lips, as he sank down on the floor.
"Wesley Whindahm-Prize," Delia, the former may queen & also prom queen exclaimed. "You're bleeding all over the by poor Tibetan orphans handwoven white carpet! That's like so ick!"
"Cor, blimey & bloody hell Delia!" Spikey said with a scowl on his face as he turned to watch glare at the darkhaired & shallow seer.
Faith said, "Fuck you two better take fucking good care of my fucking watcher or else there's be cinsoq...cunsokwen fucking trouble!"
Spikey said, "okay."
Angle said, "okay."
"Crumpet English muffin you're on the wrong path!" The green pylean demon with the red hair & horns gasped, pointing at Wes. "I cannot get to the liquor cabinet when you laying there bleeding all over the by poor Tibetan orphans handwoven white carpet." [a/n Hi Lorne! Bye Lorne!]
Wes said, "Sorry, it is just a fleshwound I shall try & bleed elsewhere," as he started to drag his poor, battered and bruised but very goooooorgeous body away, moaning & groaning in agony and despair.
The rest watched as he did so. [a/n I know the rest should care, but it's part of the story k? deal!]
Gunn said, "Yo I'm off Bro's, I'm going to stalk dark alleys with me gang yo. If you need me gimme a buzz yo," with a sarcastic smirk upon his handsome face as he moved out through the door. [a/n no Spikey & Angle aren't really Gunn's brothers...d'oh]
Delia said, "You better take care of that boytoy of yours before he gets amnaso ambrosi runs out of blood!" with a worried frown that turned into a scowl upon her face as the dark haired former may & prom queen pointed at Wesley.
"Ohmigawds!!! fucking Queen C, our fucking seer is fucking right," Faith exclaimed with a nervous scowl upon her face as she looked at the two souled vampyres with the blond & the dark hair.
"Oh no!" Exlaimed Angle very distraught [a/n I got this word from!]. "Hold on my English flower & lover I will help you, I am cumming coming!" Angle used the same super sonic vampyre speed Spikey had, because he's a vampyre too, to hurry to Wesley.
Spikey said, "Okay ladies, we'll take care of it from here on. You can go on your merry & dazzling way now," as he pushed the dark haired seer & the rogue dark slayer out of the room, before joining his lovers in the bedroom.
They both licked Wesley clean off the blood & also, vampyre sliva...savli spit is hygienic. [a/n Ewwww]
(Insert schmoopy smut scene here, cuz I can't write those no matter how hard I try. & besides, boy sex is ick!)
The darkhaird blue orbed ex watcher, the platinum newly ensouled vampyre & the brooding darkhaired vampyre collapsed in a tangled heap of sweaty limbs & various body parts.
Suddenly! The darkhaired brooding older vampyre jumped up! "Oh no what have i done!!" he exclaimed with a shocked scowl & frown upon his face. "I have cheated on Buffi! & that cannot be! Because B/A 4evah!!"
With super sonic and very fast vampyre speed he shot off the bed & dressed in his black silk boxers, black pants, black socks, black shirt & put on his black duster. He was completely dressed in black!!
"I must go to Sunnidale & find her!" he said dramatically, holding his hand to his head & speeding out of the bedroom.
Spike & Wesley looked at each other with big blue orbs.
Angle raced down the road toward Sunnidale in his convertible to get to Buffi. [a/n Angle is really dense, cuz Sunnidale is gapping hole]
I've certainly have improved haven't I?