NaNo2012, day thirteen: Aaarrghh so much catch-up to do

Nov 13, 2012 12:56

Current Wordcount: 15,282
Last Line of Dialogue: “Bears would be best,” he said, “in this water. No bears round here.”
Last Sentence: And he sat down, cross legged in the sunshine, while Thom stepped down to the water’s edge and cast his line.
My Motivation: Evaporating

Guh. I am so far behind; Friday through to Sunday was spent packing ALL THE THINGS as we've moved out, and there was absolutely no time to write. I'm bumbling along trying to catch up, but I just keep thinking of the enormous mountain of words I have to climb before I even reach average wordcount and my soul shrivels a little bit.

I need sugary snacks. And BISCUITS. Mmmm biscuits.

daily sentence

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