Mini-Report on week 1~

Oct 02, 2011 07:52

I realized I never posted about college like I said I would, so here I go~

Mind you, this will be short. >_> /just woke up

College is, in one word: FANTASTIC.

My math is beyond amazing, since my teacher goes on tangents about his trips to West Africa ALL THE TIME, and he's hilarious too. He keeps math exciting and interesting, and makes sure we all understand. I am NOT worried about this class AT ALL. :D

My Global Studies class is a bit boring, to be honest. It's all lectures, which I figured was coming. However, as long as I take notes and keep up with the independent work, I really should have nothing to worry about. :3

Finally. art (or Design Drawing): I was actually humored on the first day to find out that it's an INTERIOR design class ROFLLL. I walked in and I saw sketches of furniture, textile thingies on the wall.... when I say doen, and he's all, 'We're gonna be learning about how to project your idea to a client~' I was thinking 'OHHHHSHIITTTTT wrong class. XD' 
Nonetheless, I'm actually liking what he's teaching so far! I mean, it's good knowledge to know, and if I do go into some kind of field where I need to sell something (for whatever reason.... TRYING TO STAY POSITIVE HERE) I'll have everything I need to know.
Once again, however: he's been having us go to art stores, and look around to simply browse, and I am in LOVE. I could not be more satisfied with an art store... I mean, I simply want to buy it all. XD Of course, being broke, I can't... XD ONE DAY THOUGH I WILL.


I'm loving the college life. Homework hasn't been too bad (yet) and I'm excited for what I'll learn. I feel really good since my procrastination hasn't been TOO bad either. I am procrastinating a bit at the moment, but the assignment isn't due for another 3 weeks sooooo..... XD

TTYL you lovely people~

school, life, college

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