
Sep 01, 2011 19:34





I'm starting community college VERY SOON! As in... 5 days!! This is CRAZY!

But honestly, I'm super crazy stoked. <3 I mean, three classes (on Monday and Wednesday, only two!!) and my school week is Monday through Thursday. On top of that, I only go from 8-2 (and on Mondays and Wednesdays, 11-2!!)!! I swear, it REALLY ( Read more... )

community college, school, summer

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devotedtodreams September 2 2011, 21:55:57 UTC
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!!! Community college sounds very exciting, a lot more exciting than my school! I wish we had a subject like global studies too… *sigh* And OMG, so few hours! I’ll be sooooo jealous T___T Anyway, I really hope it will be every bit as awesome as it sounds - I’m looking forward to some entries about that :)

Madara, eh? Personally, I don’t like the guy because it’s due to his craziness that Itachi and so many others have had to suffer enough, but if someone likes him, I am not opposed to that ;)
(Man, this makes me realize how far away the actual Naruto fandom seems to be - all I do nowadays is read the manga. Actually, I’m not really a fan of anything right now, except perhaps for some tendencies towards “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” as well as the rediscovered anime I used to watch (and found on YouTube again, much to my delight), “Nadia: The Secret Of Blue Water” (Sanson is just so handsome and adorable ^^))
Oho, what a list! I’m sure every drawing will be fantastic, you are very talented in this field ^^ I only wish I would be half as talented as you; that way, I would have done better than barely passing grades for my drawings in school … xD

Huzzah for a road trip! Presuming that you’ll see my response AFTER you return from that, I hope it really went well and was an enjoyable event :) (And in case you do see this before you left, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’ll be superb!) In our family, the situation would be exactly the same, except that my bro would the one who’d get left behind, thank God ;) (he’s really weird now, we can’t talk to him about hardly anything, and interacting with him is a pain in the butt too -.-)

License? As in, driver’s license? In any case: CONGRATS!!! *throws confetti*

D’awwww… *huggles* I miss you too! I’m so sorry that I was basically unable to update more often during my trip, but I hate these security questions if you don’t log on to FB from your usual device :( Ah, my last entry pretty much depicts my mood during the entire second week, and we ended up coming back 4 days early because I fell ill on Thursday (Aug 25th). I’ll write an entry about it, though, I promise, and then I will also elaborate what exactly I felt about this trip and what I’ve learned from it. Also, I have yet to hunt through my 1,300 (!) pics… I’ll choose the best ones along with a couple of movies. I solemnly promise that once I’m done with that, you and my other best friend on FB will be the first ones to receive the link to all of this, ‘kay? ;)
Don’t feel bad, I haven’t been on Skype in a long time either… there was so much left to do before I went to Russia, but this coming week, my parents will be on vacation, so I might be found on Skype a couple of times :) So yeah, don’t sweat it at all, I haven’t been any better off :D
I hope you can forgive me for my absence… I know I’ve been absolutely terrible in keeping in touch with my friends, but this was really due to personal problems, I was trying to juggle quite a few things simultaneously now… but I hope things will get better now. My psychologist said that the results of the test I sent to her before my vacation show that I have made some improvements compared to 2 years ago, so there may be hope yet… ^^;

(Btw, random question: have you ever heard of cat acne? We took Dante and Clio to the vet today, and apparently Dante has cat acne, which is supposedly quite common. None of our cats have ever had that… o_O)


thefeistage September 5 2011, 03:24:49 UTC
I’ll definitely keep more in touch with LJ about community college and overall life. I seem to have neglected it for a while… D:

Y’know, I didn’t like Madara for quite a long time, but he’s grown on me~ :D
(I occasionally read the manga, but Kishimoto REALLY needs to get on with it. It’s really dragging on and on now. >_< I just predict that Sasuke’s gonna be the one to kill Madara and then him and Naruto will have an over exaggerated fight that’s gonna last like 20 chapters… /headdesk)
I finished the Victorian drawings, and I do believe they turned out GREAT. A friend of mine even colored them for me (I wasn’t planning to do so for a LONG time anyways, so he basically did me a favor ^^;), and I was more than ecstatic about them. I’ll upload those after my reply~

It was a great trip! It was awesome hanging out with mom and dad, and a great way to being the summer to a close. <3 (Oh, my sis is the same as your brother; she really doesn’t come to family trips anymore. :| Her loss though. /shrug)

Yes! And I still haven’t driven anywhere on my own!! XD I seem to have no desire whatsoever, hahaha!

Oh, no worries, I totally understand. Oh no, 4 days early??! D: DANG, 1,300 PICS?!? GOODNESS!! XD Well, I’ll definitely look forward to those~ OH! And I got your postcard!!! I loved it, and the picture on the back (front? I just consider it the back because the message deserve the ‘front’ title~ ;D) was gorgeous! <3
Again, it’s all good. I’ve been pretty bad at keeping in touch as well >_< I’ve been rather busy myself, and with school just around the corner, I’m gonna be way busier. Of course, I really intend to keep LJ more updated loike I used to. (: Improvements are always good!! I’m glad that things are getting better for you~ <3333333

(O_o ………Cat acne……? I had no idea that existed. I’ve had a total of 4 cats in my lifetime, and none have had such a thing….. How odd… >_>)


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