(no subject)

Mar 27, 2011 08:08

 First meme:

1. How old do you look? I think people have told me I look 17-ish, because I ACT much more mature than the rest of my friends... -____-

2. Where do you live? Seattle, Washington

3. Are you waiting for something? To go to Running Start and get the F*CK OUT of hish school. Everyone there pisses me off.

4. What’s one pet peeve of yours that is not common? Okay, when I'm in the kitchen, let's say someone used the microwave. It seems NO ONE in my house clears the remaining seconds on the screen, and it pisses me off so much! I HAVE to press the Clear button, or I'll go mad.

5. Do you want/have kids? I'm not entirely sure. I think I do, but I'm still thinking about it.

6. Have you ever thought about converting your religion? I did consider Christianity for a while, but I think I'll stay my little atheist self for now~ :P

7. Last shocking news you heard? Not going to Switzerland anymore.

8. What was the last thing you drank? Uhmmm... Milk.

9. Who do you most look like in your family? My sis. Though there is absolutely no similarities between us. Only our eye color, VAGUELY.

10. If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be? My ticket to Switz, and maybe some happiness in my life. That would be nice too.

11. Where does most of your family live? America

12. Where did you grow up? My entire life in Washington. Wooo, how exciting.

13. Where do you want to go on vacation? In no particular order: Switzerland, Germany, UK, Denmark, Japan, and possibly California.

14. Have you ever had a panic attack? Who hasn't??

15. What can’t you wait for? To get out of high school. It's times like this where I praise and love the Running Start program. Earning college and high school credits simultaneously and staying away from the high school has got to be the BEST IDEA EVER.

16. When’s the last time you told someone you loved him or her and meant it? My parents when I left for my friend's house.

17. Have your parents ever smoked pot? ... Not that I know of. LOL

18. Want someone back in your life? (I know he'll never read this...) Kevin - we were best friends in the 6th grade, but suddenly grew apart in middle school. *sigh*

19. What do you order at the bar? I'm not even remotely considering going to a bar when I'm the appropriate age. Give me a water, I guess.

20. When was the last time you cried really, really hard? Tuesday night. Mental breakdown.

21. Ever licked someone’s cheek? No... I don't necessarily plan to either...

22. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Bread? Jelly?

23. Where were you on July 4th, 2008? Ocean Shores I believe.

24. What are your nicknames? I refuse to have nicknames. They truly sicken me. They turn into pet names (and my friends use these ridiculous voices as if they were talking to a dog).

25. If you could go back in time, how far back would you go? I don't think I'd go back. I'd have no place to go, really. :/

Second Meme:

1. Your ex is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do?
Put out the fire.

2. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?

3. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face?
Friday............ I won't go into it (it would take a while to explain). But let's just say that I've known her far too long....

4. What is the last thing you spent money on?
Probably a Starbucks coffee.

5. Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
*Fumes* I really don't want to go into this, but basically, I haven't lost weight since January 1st and I've actually gained 4 pounds. Whoop-dee-frickin'-doo.

6. Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
Cheetos are nasty and disgusting.

7. The first person on your friends list just called you a bitch. What do you do?
I turn to her and say, "Well, it takes one to know one, right?"
But I DOUBT anyone would really call me that...

8. Congratulations! You just had a son. What’s his name?
Uhm..... Robert or Jake.

9. Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What’s her name?
Melody~ :3

10. What are you craving right now?
Dark chocolate and a Starbucks.

11. What was the last thing you cried about?
My mental breakdown, which was about: Science fair, science fair presentation, reflection for the entire science fair, Language Arts pre-assessment, math test, Spanish test, friend drama, and the Switzerland trip.

Now, I only get to cry about the last one. ;n;

12. When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
I let the cashier keep it.

13. What color is your tissue box?
Uhm, I don't really have one. :/

14. Do you have a ceiling fan in your bedroom, and if so, is there dust on that fan?

15. What was the last voicemail you received about?
Don't have a voice mail box set up, so none for me.

16. Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook?

17. Scariest thing you’ve experienced in the last year?
Intoxicated rage.

18. Do you wear a name tag at work?
Don't have a job.

19. What kind of car do you want?
Hundai Santa Fe. I don't know why, but I like it. :)

20. What do you order when you go to Burger King?
I refuse to eat at Burger King. I don't really like it. :/

21. Have you ever had a garage sale?
Yup - tons. Lots of sh*t to sell. xD

22. What color is your cell phone?
Black with a ninja sticker on the back! :D

23. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Haven't had one, don't plan on drinking one.

24. Are you happy right now?
Eh. I've obviously had better days.

25. Who came over to your house last?
Gracea :)

26. Do you drink beer?
Nope. Read #23.

27. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Yes. My sister also tried to tell me that I was Jewish. 
Loving family, right?

28. What is your favorite key on your key chain?
I don't really have a key chain. :/

29. What was the last movie you watched at home?
Sherlock Holmes, with Robert Downey Jr. That movie is love, and that man is even MORE love. <333 
(He's kind of my phone background... xD)

30.What is in your pocket?
Boxers don't necessarily have pockets. :P

31. Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife?

32. Where do you hurt?
Legs are sore, right arm is sore, and I'm overall sad and achy. :(

33. Has someone ever made you a build a bear?
Last time I checked, you stuffed a bear..... o_o

34. What’s something fun you did today?
Woke up at six on my own. No alarm or anything. Dx
But them KJ was online so we are IMing now! :D

35. What is your favorite aisle at Target?
I don't really shop there unless I need something for tennis.

36. When is your birthday?
May 26

37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
Don't have a car.

38. How many states in the US have you been to?
Washington, Oregon, California, Florida, Alaska, and Hawaii.

39. What kind of milk do you drink?

40. What are you going to do after this?
Write, RP, draw a little, then do HW.

41. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
UUUUUHHHHHH... I can't remember. I think it was my with my mom a few days before Christmas.

42. What is something you need to go shopping for?
Shoes. Mine are literally coming apart! D:

43. Do you have the same first name as one of your relatives?

44. What kind of car do your parents drive?
Chevrolet Suberban and Chevrolet Tahoe. He also have a Nissan and a 17 year old Chevrolet pick-up. I can't exactly remember the exact names of all of them.  
Please be warned: Chevrolets SUCK.

45. Are you rich?
According to my friends,  I guess I am. The difference between me and them is that I don't need to buy a $300 Coach bag or a &250 Juicy Coture sweatshirt, when I can get one at Old Navy for about $15.

46. What color is your couch?
An odd brown color. x)

48. What famous person do you look like?
I don't really look like any famous person....

49. Does someone like you right now?
I doubt it.

50. Say you were given a pregnancy test right now. Would you pass or fail?

51. Favorite pop-tart flavor?
Pop-tarts are really gross.....

52. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?

53. What are your plans for the weekend?
Crying since I won't be in Switzerland and because now I might never meet devotedtodreams............................. T_____________T

54. Do you like the color green?
It's alright. Blue is my favorite~

55. Who was the last person you sent an instant message to?

56. Last restaurant you went to?
I can't remember the name at teh moment, but I had some chicken tehre and it was really good~

57. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
5 and a half.

58. Do you swear at your parents?
Nope. Never swear, ever. 
(Ironic, since I love writing Hidan and Kakuzu.... xDDD )

59. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Gee, I sure hope so. And I also hope that it's a positive thought.

60. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH, yeeeaahhhhh.... xD
We won't go into that one~ xD

61. What is your ringtone?
The default AT&T tone.

62. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Literally starting at my ceiling, petting Buddy, and trying to sleep.


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