Sooo, they're back...

Jan 29, 2011 16:25

 Well, actually, I'm back too. I swear, I'm gonna try to be more on top of things here! D: I'm so sorry I left for so long!!!



So, I haven't updated this for SO LONG that my parents already left and came back from Switzerland for the treatment... -_- Sorry for not tellin' ya. (Also, my mom wasn't too comfortable with me posting it all over the internet, so I respected her wishes and didn't say anything about.)

BUT! I will tell ya'll that they are going back to get the second treatment, and I MIGHT get to go!!!!! :D :D :D

I REALLY want to go.... I feel trapped over here in the states! D: I kinda hate it here. I'm sick of livin' here.
Though I have no clue as to what caused me to think this... Hmmm...... :|

Anyways, yeah. LOL I just wanted you to know that I didn't die just yet and that I'm gonna try to come back :)

SOoooOOooOOooooo, how has your life been since I was gone for like 5 bajillion years???? LOL

sorry, switzerland

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