
Mar 28, 2005 16:02

Yay, I got a livejournal. I'm still trying to figure out the coding and junk, as you can see, but I'm working on it. x]

So... the last two weekends have been pretty good. Last week, on Friday, I went to The Music concert with Christina, Seetha, and Joy. It was AWESOME. I'm in love with Phil Jordan, the drummer. It was a pretty small club, so I was able to meet most of the band, except for Stuart. In fact, when I went up to buy a shirt, Rob, the lead singer, actually leaned over the table and asked me if I needed help. I was in shock. But then he signed my shirt, and before the show, so did Phil, who has the world's sweetest smile. After the concert, I got Adam, the guitarist to sign my shirt as well. They are so amazing in concert. Everyone go buy their CD! Welcome to the North. Alrighty, then on Saturday, I went to Lacoste and bought a polo while my mom got a new sweater. Afterwards, we went to see Romeo and Juliet, the ballet. I was really tired though, so I kind of dozed off towards the end, but only briefly. XD On Sunday... hmm, I got my hair cut?

This past weekend has been Easter holiday, and I have today off for Staff Development. A friend spent the night on Thursday, and we watched Finding Neverland, King Arthur, and on Friday, I watched The Incredibles, which was one of the best animated movies of all time. Then on Sunday, it was Alexa's birthday party. We spent most of it eating, DDRing, and in the hot tub. Besides that, I've just been lounging around, not doing that much. >.>

Hope you guys are having a good easter!

Credits: Brush (near the Keira Knightley) by iconisms.
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