I asked to be asked for a top 5 'fannish anything' and she asked for...
Top Five Favorite Individual Television Episodes
- NCIS - Twilight (not *because* they killed Kate, though I didn't mind that, but because the Tony!whump, Gibbs!care was epic.)
- Torchwood - Adam (Ianto!whump, Jack *absolutely refusing* to believe Ianto could be evil. Even after Cyberwoman...)
- Trek: TOS - Amok Time (the absolute origin of slash in my world)
- 21 Jumpstreet (yeah, really) - Swallowed Alive (in-prison!McQuaid Brothers, Doug having a *total meltdown*, Doug picking up Tom at the end... oh! And Tom having a total meltdown and drinking hooch from a Head and Shoulders bottle)
- West Wing - In the Shadow of Two Gunmen I and II (is that cheating?) - amazing angst t.v.
Top Five Favorite Duran Duran Songs :D
Okay, not fannish as I usually think of it but...
- Red Carpet Massacre
- Still Breathing
- Chains
- Of Crime and Passion
- Beautiful Colors
(Okay, outside of *possibly* RCM, I suspect only the die-hards amongst us even recognize the names of any of those songs. But it might help if you know I'm the die-hard fan who can't *stand* "Hungry Like the Wolf". It's skeevy.)