We closed the place down!

Sep 16, 2007 19:45

We were there until 4:00! (p.m., but hey, we were like the last three people there... but more on that later)

What a weekend!

It actually started on Thursday with the arrival of sithdragn. We ate pizza and talked (omg, we have such similar fannish vibes going right now!) and played with ferrets.

Then she was off to Z-con and I was off to work. And then Friday night I picked up master_chatnoir for a weekend of glee.

Now this is not to say that the weekend didn't have it's ... interesting moments.

I called sithdragn on Saturday evening and left a message saying, "Do me a big favor and call back tonight and leave me a message letting me know if I need to pick you up for your train on Sunday. Kbi."

Now, I meant to actually put the phone on silent so it would actually go to voicemail, since I knew she'd call after I went to sleep.

Forgot about that. Phone rings, I sit up out of a dead sleep and answer it. Now I feel perfectly lucid, but given her reactions to me, I must have been operating on 15 second delay or something. She tells me that she's good. That [real name] and [other real name] are taking her to her train. Now, these are names I don't instantly recognize, but could very easily have been two people I knew, but then I got to thinking that maybe I should check and I go, "Who's that?" And she says, "noelql and deannie", which is exactly who I thought she meant... but apparently the next thing that went through my head went out my mouth.

"I don't think I ever realized that Noel and Deannie weren't their real names." No, seriously, I didn't. It's not like they go by McKaysKat2007 and SlytherinSweetie or something! I had also been very asleep shortly before that conversation, so...

Let's face it, how many of you would know who was being referred to if someone used *my* real name instead of calling me Waldo? (Though, granted, most of you, I should think, know that "Waldo" does not appear anywhere on my birth certificate.)

The other glitch took three hours.

I went skating last weekend. I had fun.

I had so much fun that I actually conned master_chatnoir into coming with me this weekend 'cause I wanted to go again! And, well, hey, it was really close to the IKEA we were going to anyway.

The IKEA trip went well. Got my rolly table (yet to be assembled), got ferret food dishes, got a fake ferret (which periodically freaked me out, but hey, it's for school), got an ice scoop and magazine rack that's big enough to hold my teaching manuals. As well as, you know, a metric boatload of other stuff.

Then we went to a Cheesecake factory for dinner desert. Nevermind that we never actually ate dinner. Chat treated me to the most a-freaking-mazing piece of chocolate mousse cheesecake and lethally strong coffee. Mmmmm....

Then we went mall schlepping for a few minutes before it was time to skate.

... only... Waldo couldn't find the skating rink. For three hours. And it wasn't that I found it after three hours, I just quit *trying* after three hours.

So this morning we tried again. We went to the 1:00 - 4:00 skate. We closed the place down! It's not like there was a very big crowd to begin with, but at about 3:00 most everyone left. For the last hour, it was me, Chat, two moms with kids who couldn't skate and one other twenty-something person. By the time we left I was out there with one other person. So SWEET!

I want to start going to the 'retro night' skates on Sundays when I don't have school on Mondays. It's from like 7 to 10 (then I'm an hour from home) when they have 18+ and (after an hour of organ music) play 80's retro music. Woot!

I now have a blister on my blister on the ball of my right foot. Tomorrow's going to be interesting - especially as I theoretically have Leadership at 7 am and then my first NBC meeting after work. Oy that's just going to be a long day.

silly, friends, working out

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