For two. whole. weeks.
And OMG, do I need the break.
My plans for my time off:
1.) Clean the house for at least one hour every day. Make at least one trip to the dumpster daily. Cull the living hell out of stuff I don't need/use. Freecycle liberally.
2.) Grade papers for half an hour or three sets of papers each day. Record grades in gradebook.
3.) Write for at least one hour every day.
• Body Mod psuedo-flashfic thing
• Conversion nano thing (get ready for beta)
• That other thing I started and can't remember now.
4.)Get at least two vids done. "Anxiety" and "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" if nothing else. Poke at Polkas to see if anything looks good; start on "End of the World"
5.) Car shop. Gulp.
6.) Scrub down shelves in ferret cage. (Yay for this being SO easy in the new cage)
7.) Go to K'Zoo and party with the girls. OMG, I so need this!
8.) Dub more VHS to DVD. Schlep old VHS to the basement to go to MediaWest for recycling.
9.) Sleep. A lot. Hopefully enough to kick the ass of whatever it is that's still making me sick and cranky.
10.) Hit the Dec. 26th sales.
11.) Update
johncarsonlist once the
beckettsheppard Thing-a-Thon is over.
12.) Update, tag and post a "Your Mod is not yet dead" post over at