Mediawest - the con thus far...

May 27, 2006 07:52

We got to Lansing at about 6:00 local time. Which sucked, since we left at 11:30 Chicago time. Are they redoing every road in the country all at once? Sheesh! The ferrets made the trip well. Sleeping as often as not. Well, except Gaia who was good, but was awake almost the whole trip.

We got checked in. I got *drenched* in a thirty second dash from the truck to the hotel, I set up the ferret cage and then we got dinner.

I *really* expected the ferrets to promptly pass out once they had a little food and a place to sleep. And Magick and Spirit mostly did. Gaia on the other hand was being a basket case. So when we went out to put up our flyers, I put her on her harness and let her walk. *That* was interesting! First of all, half the con had to say hi to her, which was fine, but then she'd get into this mode where she just wanted to go backwards. She'd walk down the hall, hugging the walls for about three rooms and then for no discernible reason, insist on going backwards to go back the way we came.

Did some room trolling on Thursday night. Bought a really pretty pendant. Being that my OTP (and even my secondary pairings) in my major fandom are all NOT the fandom's OTP I'm finding that there isn't much fannish stuff I just must own. No zines, no t-shirts (which is partly my own fault) no mugs.

Yesterday the reg line opened early. I can't remember a con ever running early. We got down there at 9:30 for the 11:00 open, and within 15 minutes we were moving. Huzzah! Funny exchange in the line... master_chatnoir is reading fic on her palm pilot and I have my laptop out. Now, her palm tends to butcher headings in fic, so she usually can't read the title or author or anything in the file.

master_chatnoir: Sheesh! Look at this! "Rodney spiked a fever at 41 degrees." You can't have a fever at 41! You're almost frozen."
thefannishwaldo: *blink* *blink* "Uh, let me see that."
master_chatnoir: *hands over palm pilot*
thefannishwaldo: *scans screen quickly.* Um, dear, I wrote that story. It's Carson's perspective - it's 41 CELCIUS.

It was really amusing.

After that we set up our art show stuff. master_chatnoir already had two bids as of last night. One more than doubled her opening bid. Go girl! I didn't have any yet.

Then we got lunch, then hit the dealer's room. We room trolled and let people in our room to buy vids and let the ferrets run. More people are coming to see the ferrets than us. Go figure.

At 2:00 was the MWJSF gathering. walkswcelphone, empressho, shinymarigold, sithdragn, Mona (who, if she has an LJ, hasn't told me what it is) me and our hostess master_chatnoir were there. It was a nice quiet chance to sit back and chat... and make fun of stupid fen.

I did a little room trolling after that before loosely organizing the SGAHC dinner. That was quite fun. And it's nice to be able to put faces to some of these names.

The vid show started at 7:00. Ginger showed a reel of last year's winners, which was nice. We got to see the screamingly funny "Holding Out for a Hero" by master_chatnoir again, since it won first place, humor, last year. We also got to *ahem* relive the Jar-Jar/Golum love. Oy, the crack.

Then as we were getting ready to start this year's stuff Cheryl (who's in charge of the vid show) started talking about people who have been helping her out. So I'm sitting there, reasonably sure for the most part that she's talking about Ginger... but she was actually talking about *me* and I got named "Associate Vid Show Producer in charge of the Slash Show." Squee. That was nice. It doesn't really mean anything, but it was nice.

The show was *short* Three hours all told. We've had years where we swear the Cali Crew *reel* was three hours. There were 9 gen producers and 6 slash producers. OUr stuff seemed to have gone over well. People seemed to get a kick out of "Right Now" if they could see the text... but not all of them could. "Basket Case" went over pretty well too. Our credits amused people. We were the only ones (I think) with actual lead in credits. That was odd.

Then we came back up, hung out, watched gay porn ("Harry Squatter and the Sorcerer's Bone" - we kept skipping through looking for the 'plot' - it was 2:00 in the morning, don't expect much logic).

It's about 9:00 here now and I'm going to get up and go eat. The ferrets got a little run time earlier, but Gaia kept jumping on master_chatnoir who was still asleep, so they got put back in bed. Surprisingly, they didn't seem to mind.

mediawest, vids, right now, jewelry, vid, vidding, friends, vid weasels, funny, ferrets, gaia

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