Okay, all that and I walk away with, "Ooh! Teylah stuck the stick where the sun don't shine!"
Um... guh... Jamie's normal speaking voice. Guh.
I can already predict the answer to the email KS was reading: "Will frak become one of the 7 words you can't say on t.v.?"
Answer: Dude, too late. It's been on t.v.
Ooh... curiouser and curiouser. Sheppard's got a big enough mouth that it actually cost him rank. Can't wait to see what that was about. I'm sure it was a "let someone die or follow orders" decision and we'll all side with Sheppard, but it'll be interesting to see if they play it out as pat as all that.
Act I:
OMG, where do I start?
Um... okay, JB wants Lee to get laid. He's right about the fact that he's one of the few cast members to have never gotten ANYTHING on screen.
Okay, much ado about the Beckett/McKay kiss. I really want to see that scene now. I'm annoyed with the whole 'you're staling me, no you're stalking me' thing. Are they afraid we're going to walk away and think they're actually gay or something? It was just lame. Now, was McKay right about the first guy on guy kiss in scifi? I know there are dozens of little pecks, but have we gotten a real m/m kiss? I know DS9 did a f/f thing, but off hand (and half dead) I can't think of a real m/m *kiss* in sci fi. (I know it's not the first on t.v. You're not that important, David.)
The one dude mentioned that it's good to bring in SciFi people; that the fans will 'accept' the new character better if it's a familiar face. Eh... I'm not sure about that. Although, when you have an actor who's used to acting against a blue screen, used to acting against a puppet or a pingpong ball on a stick or whatever it would make things much easier for everyone. And if you're not learning all this stuff for the first time, you're going to be more able to act. The more I think about it, when I see actors who are coming into a scifi part for the first time, they seem to be more wooden, struggle more with the acting than they do once they've had a few seasons to get used to it, or if it's not their first series with a lot of FX (mumblemumbleJamieBambermumble)
Act II:
Okay, the email segment was disappointing. Every one of them, the answer came down to "It's a t.v. show, putz, get over yourself." At least be clever.
YAY! Vala and Cameron (did they have to name him Cameron? That name sucks for a military guy. JACK, now there's a good military name...) are going to be in scenes together. Huh-zha!
Vala on that judge's desk... slut much! "Shortcomings" LOL!
Act III:
FX... um... yep they have 'em again.
The Carter vs. McKay thing was kind of cute. Kind of pointless, but kind of cute.
Did we really need a whole bit on craft services? And the basketball game? Though seeing CJ lift up CB was amusing.
Act IV:
That drink Grace made looked NASTY. And judging by their reactions, tasted it too.
So Teyla's not interested in getting it on with McKay or Beckett, huh? Eh... more fuel for the slash fen.
Sam's going back to Super Soldier Sam, eh? That whole unresolved sexual whateverthefuck didn't work out so well for your ratings, eh?
I've seen Tricia tell that story on T.V. before - about buying cat litter and the guy running out of the store - seriously, guys like that give SF fans bad names. She's an actress, asshole!
Anyone else noticing that they're using mini-vids for some of the montages? It's reverse fandom! The show starts doing what the fen do! :)
I laughed out loud when Amanda showed her Saturn and said, "Can I just say that I'm glad Buffy's off the air? I was getting a Susan Lucci complex." That was pretty funny.
Okay, that last montage is going to take some disecting. The one thing I caught from it - OMG! There is a baby in that cradle. Or possibly the illusion of a baby... Why do I expect it to have a monoeye... a bright red one or something freakish>
Okay, I'll spew about this more coherently tomorrow. Right now, must sleep. 5:30 alarm... 8:00 small children..