May 24, 2005 07:22
Okay, I've been fandom surfing for my fic-fix (since I seem to be caught up on BSG - someone, quick! Write some good BSG!) and I need to rant.
Why do people insist upon making perfectly intelligent characters sound remarkably stupid? My major source of rant here is people who write Trip Tucker as not only southern, but completely hillbilly. Yes, he has a marked southern accent, but he hasn't once said the word 'ain't' on the show. (I've looked, I've never found it, if I'm wrong, please point me to the ep.) He's smart - he's a flipping warp physicist. He talks like an intelligent human being, proper forms of 'to be' and the whole nine yards. And it's not just in Enterprise. I've seen it in BSG (yes, Cally is a deckhand, but again, she speaks like she has more than a 3rd grade education), Starbuck too.
And why do people think it's sexy/hot/encouraging to make a male protagonist a borderline rapist? I detest when characters say things like, "Tell me to stop now because I won't be able to later." ARGH! WHY the hell would you write your fantasy man ('cause, lets face it, that's what the protagonist in a fic is - a fantasy of some sort) as having the self control of an alley cat in heat? I would hope any decent man would be aware of his partner's needs at any given time. AND WOULD STOP IF THERE WAS ANY DISTRESS! No matter 'how far gone' he is. Sheesh. Again, I've seen this in BSG, but I've also seen it in Hornblower where it makes me *totally* insane. Yes, there's a case to be made for Horatio being completely repressed, which can cause an explosion of emotion when the walls finally do come down. But like this? Especially with Archie? I can't imagine that making someone's partner feel good about the encounter. Better back out now, because if you don't and you try to later, I'll rape you??? WTF???
I know, I know, live and let live, but either I'm getting increasingly picky about what fic I'll read, or fic is getting increasingly more teenage-porn-novelesque. Color me unimpressed.