Mar 05, 2005 19:26
Okay, so one of the reasons I got so pissed at the guy who was rude with his comments before was that I was really hoping to get into my writing and NOT think about what the doctor told me today.
Now, I'm not dying or anything, in fact a fair number of people reading this live with way worse crap than this, but ...
I have to go for allergy testing.
I know, you're all laughing at me.
You wouldn't be laughing if you've ever had to go with me to get a shot or have blood drawn. It's a very, very ugly thing. I don't do needles. I don't even do watching OTHER people with needles.
And, it has been more than just suggested to me by my family, that this is due to the last set of scratch tests I had done. I think they did something like 200 that time. I was 2. I haven't taken a shot well since.
The last blood test I had and the flu shot I got in the fall weren't too bad. I was actually thinking I was getting over this. But I'm actually nauseous sitting here thinking about them doing this to me again. Not to mention how incredibly uncomfortable it's going to be when they start injecting me with things I'm actually allergic to and my skin swells up and starts to itch.
No... this is not going to go well at all. And I'm pretty sure I'll be a basketcase until it's over.
If they can get near me to get it over. I think the last time I actually kicked a nurse was when I was 15, but no one's assaulted me with racks of needles since I was two, so, you know... all bets are off.
ETA: BTW, I asked my doctor about the blood test style allergy tests, hoping to get it over with in one go, but she said all the blood test could show was if there was a certain eleveation in some specific kind of white blood cell, and she can guess just by looking at me that that count will be up, so it's pretty useless for me. (Okay, medical people how badly did I mangle what my doctor meant? All I'm really sure of is the part where she said that I couldn't go that route.)