The internets have failed to do my thinking for me.

Sep 03, 2012 08:43

So I've now read two reviews of the Elementary pilot by fellow fans whose opinions I trust.

One loved it and thought it was the best thing to ever hit network television.

The other couldn't believe a studio actually paid to make that abomination.

I guess I'm stuck thinking for myself now. :p  I've *ahem* acquired the download, so I guess I can futz with the computer and watch it this afternoon.

For now... a plan for a day off...
  • put away laundry in basket
  • put away laundry in dryer
  • wash whites | dry whites | put away whites
  • clean out fridge
  • put away Peapod order
  • take out trash
  • shoot papercrafting projects
  • finish celestial book
  • deconstruct boxes for tags
  • make answer key for social studies project
  • work on social studies grades
  • lesson plans
  • answer work emails
  • clean top of tall dresser

Yeah, okay, that's enough for a day off.

sherlock holmes, television, etsy, plan for the day, domesticity

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