First of all, this happened today...
Now I suspect most of you have already hit this milestone with one or more of your stories, but I seem to never write the popular pairing in the popular fandom at a time when it's still a popular show. So this is kind of cool for me. :)
Then there was this insanity at my 'grown up' blog
1. I don't take my blog so seriously that I Never Ever swear, but 'shit' isn't my go-to obscenity so I have no idea how this got a hit to my blog once, nevermind TWICE!
2. Do I even want to know what they were actually looking for? Or how Google ended up thinking I was writing about it.
3. FU Autocorrect? I mean, how exactly do you measure who was paying attention and who wasn't?
4. But of COURSE someone's out there reducing a massive cultural statement down to this. *sigh*.
I had ten outstanding Etsy orders as of 3:00 this afternoon. As of now, five of them are packaged and sitting in my Post Office Tote ready to go out tomorrow. At least three more will be done tomorrow morning and the other two will be done and out on Friday. GO ME! Also? If you're still thinking of ordering, this is a good time because I'm in a mode and it'll go out quickly. :)
Mai and Catherfina, yours were the first two I prepared. They'll be in tomorrow's mail. :)