Some weekend bullet points.

Feb 26, 2012 10:12

• Half my friendslist seems to be talking about blue dragons. I feel like I missed a memo. AH! Thanks to someone who chose to remain anonymous I now understand the blue dragon thing. He's kind of creepy looking, isn't he? I mean, I like cute dragons and I like fierce dragons, but this thing is just... bloated?

• I think Logi got my phone again. I can't find the damn thing anywhere. And it was mostly dead the last time I saw it and it's almost certainly still on vibrate from work last week. Ergo, calling it is less than useful right now.

• I have to write a short paper for school today. It's on the administration of EasyCBM. Which, because I'm you know ME, I keep reading/typing as EasyCBT. Not even a tiny bit the same. Not at all. CBM is Curriculum Based Measurement. It's a snapshot reading assessment. CBT... um... yeah. Really, really different. (And now I have a mental image of John trying to explain CBT to Sherlock...)

• My throat still isn't resolved. This sucks rocks. I was really hoping that giving it the weekend off would help, but it's only getting a tad better.

• The 1000ish word PWP that I was going to do for the Mistake Series is already at 2000 words and I've *just* started the porny bit. I need to stop thinking "I'll just write this little short thing." It never stays that way. Though I have to say, I did write some fun dialogue in it. And also, it's not exactly a PWP any more. It doesn't have *plot* per se, but it does have a purpose. (Someone else finds out about the relationship.) So while it can't exactly be put on the plot graphic organizer (exposition, rising action... er... climax... falling action... -hm. Maybe it sort of can ;) it definitely passed just being porn for the sake of porn.

• To do today:
- Make lotion bars for Etsy orders
- Package all outstanding Etsy orders
- laundry dryer/washer/dryer/fold/fold
- unload/load/run dishwasher
- ferret cage
- find phone
- charge the whole wide world
- CB*M* essay
- Reading group lesson plans

graduate school, writing, to do, plan for the day, medical, lj, logi, teaching, ferret

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