Feb 18, 2012 11:32
So I was a bit sore when I went to bed last night. I took some Aleve and some Benadryl and slept pretty decently.
Woke up this morning stuffy again, but otherwise okay. Then as I was updating my blog I reached over to get the cord to the external hard drive and HOLY FUCK OW!
It wasn't like I overextended my arm or something; my whole body feels like I was in a car wreck. This has developed since I got up to make breakfast about two hours ago. W T Everlasting F?
So I called to tell the group that I was supposed to meet up for Polar Adventure Days (and seriously, no great loss since it was 52 degrees yesterday and is in the 40s now... so not epically polar) and now I'm also laying - neck to butt - on a heating pad and am re-medicated.
(Also, protip to coordinator person I talked to on the phone: When someone calls to say they're too sick to attend the event, it's possible that it's not the *best* way to end the call with "Have a great day." I think we pretty much just established that today sucks pretty hard. Who me, sick and grumpy?)
It hurts to walk. It hurts to sit. It hurts do... pretty much anything. These are the days I regret not putting more energy into teaching the ferrets to fetch and carry.
So in short: OW! The fuck?
do not want,