Jan 29, 2012 12:14
So in the last couple years, my infatuation with Sherlock Holmes has been reignited. You may have noticed. ;)
I started reading the short stories when I was in like... 6th? grade... junior high? Somewhere in there. Back then, you pretty much had the original stories, the old t.v. show and the movie "Young Sherlock Holmes" (which I loved, despite that face that now fails my #1 test.)
Anyway, more recently I'm re-reading all the ACD works and catching up on various moving-picture versions of Holmes. But for some reason, I knew I really wasn't all that jazzed about chasing down the Rathbone version. I must have seen a few as a kid and either been bored with them or even then I knew they failed the #1 test of "Acceptable adaptations of Holmes." That is: Watson CANNOT be an idiot. I Highly Disapprove of any version that makes Watson an idiot.
This is a guy Sherlock Holmes voluntarily kept the company of - SOUGHT the company of - for years. And we all know that Holmes does not suffer an idiot gladly. He frequently reminds Watson (and the rest of the world) that he is The Smartest Man in the World, and no one is as clever as he is, but if you're half-way intelligent, you're okay. But he doesn't even tolerate those who are dirt-dumb. He likes Watson, ergo, Watson is not an idiot.
Anyway, the DVD player in the kitchen is on the fritz so I was channel surfing while I put away groceries and cleaned my truly disgusting fridge out. I ran into one of the old Rathbone eps. It was apparently called "Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon". I came into it in the middle, but OMG the BAD.
First of all, this Moriarty TOTALLY fails the "Evil Overlords" test. He gets ahold of Holmes and then they sit and have a talk while Holmes plans to get free and kill Moriarty. Moriarty says "And so now I'll kill you!" and Holmes goes, "Oh please, I'd be SO MUCH more creative if I were killing you." And they go back and forth for a while until Moriarty finally says, "Okay, what horrible fate would you plan for me?" So Holmes says, "I'd tie you to a surgical table and drain the blood out of you a drop at a time."
And Moriarty hops up and goes "I have an entire hospital built into this secret lair! So now I will tie you to a surgical table and drain the blood out of you a drop at a time!" I swear I expected to look up and see him twisting the end of a handlebar mustache.
Of course Holmes gets free and they struggle some more and then Holmes leads Moriarty down a passage in Moriarty's own secret lair and gets rid of Moriarty because Moriarty FALLS DOWN A HOLE! And Holmes says, "Oh gee, did someone leave his secret trap door open? Oh dear."
I mean it's RIDICULOUS!
I've set the DVR to catch a few more that are scheduled to air, nonetheless. I totally want the laugh. ;)
sherlock holmes,