Oct 06, 2011 20:19
So I let the boys go up to clean out Gaia's duck soup bowl. Logi, dear, dim, Logi couldn't figure out the whole "Go UP for the good stuff" thing, as usual, but Kári blasted up and headed straight for the leftovers.
At which point Gaia ran over to him and *aggressively* cleaned his head! I mean, she cleaned his ears and then CHEWED ON HIS HEAD! And then back to his ears and then she did that weird thing that makes her look like she's giving him a blow job. And then chewed on his back.
Kári apparently decided that being chewed on was way < getting the last few smudges of babyfood off the bowl, because he didn't didn't once try to chase her off. And he has no problem giving Gaia hell. He's the reason that after almost a year I still don't take them all out to play together - he beats the shit out of Gaia when I try that.
But seriously... *aggressive* grooming. Very bizarre that old fart ferret. I know, I know, at this point I should just be thrilled she has the energy to do *anything* aggressively, right?