This is what being stonesd is like, isn't it?

Jul 30, 2011 15:39

Okay, trufax... I have never smoked anything in my life. I've never even smoked a salmon or some cheese or whatever! I have never, ever, even once, put something in my mouth and sucked on it for the express purpose of putting the smoke in my lungs.

But I'm now at about 3.5 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours. 2 hours last night and an hour and a half this afternoon. This is not a good look for me. I typically get about ten hours of sleep at night and if I get under eight, it's typically a sluggish day.

The whole world is blurry on the edges and I can't keep a running train of thought for more than six and a half seconds. This is what it's like to smoke pot and have to go not-exactly-fabulously, isn't it? I mean, I'm not *sick* or anything, but OMG don't let me drive. Or make decisions that can't be undecided. Because there aren't two functional braincells to rub together right now.


I may have slept a little longer this afternoon, but my brother called to tell me that the new NIP is a Niece In Progress. I GET TO BUY ALL THE GIRLY THINGS EVER! I was so out of it that even though I was sleeping on my phone and it was both vibrating and ringing, I couldn't figure out what the hell was happening the first time he called and he had to call twice more before I could remember how to answer the phone. Here's a hint: My phone says "drag down to answer, drag up to ignore" when it rings RIGHT ON THE FACE.

If you've seen much of my photography, you know I'm mostly into 'realism'.  I want stuff to look like the actual stuff it is.  Yet today? I'm kind of hung up on some of the more surreal shots I took I this morning.  (The only post-production work I've done on any of these was to level the horizons.)

(This one gives me some vague Prisoner/Clockwork Orange/Dr. Who "Decimate Them"/Do Not Taunt The Happy Fun Ball vibe)

And then there were spiderwebs.  Literally thousands of them.  The girl I was walking with and I thought there was a mist over the savannah section of the Hedge, but um no... metric whackloads of spiderwebs.  There were some awesome pictures... I'll get them on my blog when I'm slightly more conscious.

I should try food.  Maybe more than a McDonald's breakfast and two or three brownie bites all day would help with the sluggish weirdness of my life right now.  But I'm not holding out huge amounts of hope.

sleep or lack thereof, photography, family, karen, weird, what just happened?, photographs

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