Strangest Case of Operant Conditioning *evah*

Jun 22, 2011 20:35

So there's one spot in the bedroom I don't want the ferrets - on top of the short dresser. Unfortunately there's an easy way for them to get there. Up on the bed, across the shelf, behind the t.v. and ta-da! Ferret on the dresser.

Gaia has (85% of the time) learned not to go up there. Logi - yes LOGI - has learned (100% of the time!) not to go up there. Kári is the dumbass who goes up there EVERY TIME I take him out. And every time he does it, I scruff him and put him on the floor. After a few trips to the floor, I put him in the cage. By the time he's pulled this three or four times in a given play session I get frustrated and he goes back in the cage. Usually at that point I put both boys away.

So this is Logi's twisted version of Operant Conditioning. "OH LOOK! Kári got up on the dresser. Now the human has him doing hang time. Time to go back in the box!" And he RUNS FOR THE DOOR!

Seriously, every time he sees me scruff Kári, he runs for the door.

Weirest connection made ever, because, you know, the stuff I try to teach him *directly* doesn't sink in. But me giving the boyfriend 'what for'... this he has made connections about!

This is why he gets his own hashtag on Twitter. #OhLogi!

sigh, logi, ferret

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