
Feb 14, 2011 08:58

• I finally heard someone in the local political race say exactly what I wanted to hear on education on yesterday's morning news. Basically when asked about what he wanted to change he said what almost everyone says: more hours in the classroom. BUT THEN added, as part of the 'after school' program he wants to initiate parents will have to show a little accountability to keep their kids in the programs. They have to show up at conferences twice a year, they have to check over their kids' homework, they have to BE ACCOUNTABLE for their kids. They can't just dump their kids on the schools for even more time and let us raise the child for them. Woot. Totally scored my vote. (I'm not mentioning who it is, because this isn't about that other thing he said, or his opponent said, whatever. No one's perfect, but this is my key issue. If you want to know who it was because this is a thing for you too, feel free to ask. I'm not trying to hide it either.)

• Loco Brothers, Inc. made me drop my computer on the floor this morning. My last computer never recovered from that fall, but this one seems to be okay... so far.

• I GOT TO SLEEP WITH MY WINDOW OPEN LAST NIGHT! It was fabulous! I sleep so much better when there's fresh air in the room. But also... you know without a fear of frostbite. Today is going to be odd, tomorrow looks like I'm going to be going down for my intake on the skin study, Wed. night is class at 2U. I'M TOTALLY TAKING MYSELF TO THE ZOO ON THURSDAY when the weather is like *50* degrees and I'll have so freaking badly earned it.

• Today is going to be a day of weird and awkward phone calls
- my union. (Just when you think the drama's over...)
- my vet. (Who did not see Gaia last week, so why do I have a bill for this?)
- that skin study (Why does it have to be needles?)
- my mother (see all of the above. Mom will insist on an update.)

• See above: skin study. I need the money. I need to see if there's something out there that will do something about this skin I am miserable living in. I need to do this for the NIP who also has killer eczema - and will probably be old enough to use the stuff by the time the FDA allows people to have it. But... I HATE NEEDLES AND OMG SEVEN WEEKS OF BLOOD DRAWS!!! If anybody has an opinion on this: should I do this to myself or not? Upsides I'm not seeing? Ways to get through the OMG of it all? PLEASE help.

• I've decided I need to use part of my tax return on a new DVD player for the bedroom. This idiotic LG plays about 1/3 of the .avi files I'd like it to play. The Toshiba I used to have played EVERYTHING, but didn't have a USB port. And, well, it died. But I think I need to go to Abt armed with both a data DVD of .avis the LG doesn't like and a USB drive of them and see which machine will actually play stuff.

• Silly Facebook games with bisexual characters FTW! Okay, so it's this silly game where you have a plot of land and you have to raise crops and animals and build buildings and stuff. And they give you periodic missions to achieve and you win little things in the game. Total time waster, but fun. Anyway, in the new Valentines missions there are three 'canon' game characters you have to pair up. Two women and a guy. So you get Guy/Woman A, Guy/Woman B and Woman A/Woman B as 'canonical pairings'. The really funny part is that in order to do all the missions you have to put them together, break them up and put them with someone else over and over again. So not only are they down with the lesbian relationship, it's an *open* lesbian relationship... which is actually a bisexual thing, because they both pair off with the guy. I was kind of hoping they'd have two guys together too, but I'm not sure who you could pair the one guy off with unless they either introduced a new character or had him shack up with the horseshoe hawker. Anyway, "family friendly" game with lesbian/bisexual relationships FTW!

Okay... I need more coffee and clothes. And my phone. The sooner I start these awkward calls, the sooner they're over.

idiots on the phone, gltb, chicago, medical, facebook, weather, political, ferrets, electronics

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