To that very large extent that House sucked, Hawaii 5-0 was oppositely awesome. Danny really is as cute as is he on the adverts and there isn't one character that leaves me going, "Oh please tell me this dumbass didn't test well and was scrapped after the pilot." I think it's a keeper. :)
In other news, literally, that Hedge I go on about - the Magic Hedge - that's basically in my back yard is going to be on the news. The one I wrote up for me "
Shooting Things in Chicago" Article. Well, in my article I mention that although the websites I found said it *used* to be a site for prostitution, but that it's still clearly going on. Channel 2 is about to do a thing about that.
In the preview I saw a shot of this bird I keep finding there:
Bishop Bird (Which doesn't belong there... it's from Africa, apparently some idiot dumped their pet.)
And in FURTHER news... there's a coyote roaming River North. Apparently it's one of the two with GPS trackers that have been turned loose in the area as part of a RODENT CONTROL METHOD! I can't make this shit up!