Sep 13, 2010 09:46
So I play social games on Facebook. Farmville, Cafeworld, yadda... I won't touch MafiaWars with a fucking ten foot pole, but that's a rant for a different post.
ANYWAY... to do well in these games you need a pretty big circle of friends who play the game as well, so people put their names on lists saying, "Add me, I play XYZ" and you end up with really randomass people on your list, but it's all good for the most part as you only end up interacting with them as needed in the games.
Until today. Someone I don't know outside of their little farmer icon taps me in the chat-feature and asks if I have a second. So I say 'sure'.
And this moron? Goes into a pitch about how they can sell me some DIET product.
A.) My icon on Facebook is a *flower*. You have not one fucking clue what I look like.
B.) Even if you saw me and saw that I am not a size 0, it's pretty fucking presumptuous to assume that my weight is your damn business.
C.) When I type back, "I'm not doing this with you, you have no idea what I look like, my icon is a FLOWER!" you should probably not continue to copy-pasta your damn pitch speech into the chat.
Guess who's not getting gifts from ME in games any more.
Oy. The nerve of some people.
do not want,
stupid people