Aug 13, 2010 15:24
Um... wow. Magick is down to about 660g. Gaia is bigger but dropped about 80g since last month. Neither of them are, you know, Spirit-level large ferrets to begin with.
So now we get to try something called "Carnivore Care" (as much as they'll eat) and try mixing in a new food to the 'old and fat' food to see if they'll get interested and eat more. And baby food too.
Can't I just give them a weight transplant from me to them?
Magick has her physical next month and the Vet of Awesomeness wants to do a blood chemistry on Gaia to see if there's something that could be causing the weight loss. (They're eating fine, so he says we can wait and see, but he wants to check her nonetheless.)
Magick is still showing an *insane* level of energy for old, skinny, bald and full of cancer.
I did bring them with me into the Death!Jewel so I could pick up my own meds*. Three different people stopped me between the front door and the pharmacy to go, "Ooh! Ferrets!" One guy actually asked me if I was taking them out for a run. WTF dude? They're in a carrier and it's HELLA hot out today. And who the hell goes jogging with a ferret? That would be a no.
* My 2 prescriptions. Just two. For some reason no matter how many times I said this, the pharmacist kept INSISTING I should have three. No, dude, I ordered *2*. The same two I order every month. This took WAY too long to explain to you. (And it wasn't a tech. This is the actual pharmacist I've seen a hundred times there.)
idiots in my city,
ferret: medical,
ferrets can go,