Jun 27, 2010 16:39
First of all, I didn't even realize we *had* Circle K's in Chicago. I kept looking for Bill and Ted.
Second of all... ow.
Okay, so the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago is a Drinking Event. I generally don't, but... I happened to have a bottle of peach schnapps and some o.j. in the house so... yeah.
But I wasn't falling-down-drunk. This was an OMG-I-really-FAINTED-didn't-I? moment.
I never faint. Well, okay when a needle is about to make a cannonball sized hole in me... but then I know it's coming so I can make sure I'm horizontal to begin with. Other than that... I'm a pretty tough chick. I don't do fainting. In fact, in general, I'm not a big fan of causing an emotional scene of any sort. They don't help any situation.
But about an hour into the parade I *very* suddenly started feeling just god-awful. And, you know, it's jam packed with people. When the nausea hit I seriously I had to look around and try to decide where I'd puke where I'd hit the fewest people possible if it came to that. When the dizziness hit I was just screwed, because there was barely space to stand, let alone sit.
Well, I'd been hanging out with the people sitting around me, so I managed to stuff my camera back in my bag and I asked one of the girls if she'd watch my things while I 'ran to the bathroom'.
I managed to shove my way out of the crowd, but as soon as I got to a spot big enough to sit in... I sat in it. Not entirely by choice. This happened to be the Circle K parking lot. There was a curb I was ostensibly going for, but I didn't make it.
I could hear about six people going, "Oh my god, is she okay?!" but I really didn't have the energy to answer them. Besides, I'm not keen on creating more panic by going, "Not so much, really."
Within seconds someone had pressed half a bottle of water in my hand, but before I could even drink it, someone else handed me a bottle that was new and still half frozen in the middle. Cold was good. I just pressed the thing to my forehead, because I really was afraid there'd be a huge mess if I tried to put anything else in my stomach. After a few minutes I took a sip and that was okay, so I took a few more and they stayed down, so I drank what wasn't frozen, but I still had no great desire to get off the very uncomfortable asphalt.
After another few minutes a very nice guy came over and asked if I needed a Gatoraid. This took WAY too much brain power for me at that point.
Rational Brain: FUCK YES YOU NEED GATORAID! You're sweating small oceans and you just PASSED OUT IN A PARKING LOT.
Don't Make an Ass of Yourself Brain: Your wallet is in your gear, which you cannot get at right now. You think this guy is just going to buy it for you?
Nice Guy: Seriously, I don't mind running in to get you one.
I'm Sick and Whiny Brain: Wow, that's really nice, but damn I hate Gatoraid.
Nice Guy: Yeah, you sit here for a minute, I'm going to get you something with sugar and electolytes.
Me: "Thanks"
Whiny Brain: I'm going to have to drink this now, aren't I?
Rational Brain: DAMN STRAIGHT!
The good news is, either I was so sick that I didn't care or they've done something to make Gatoraid less slimy. I still don't love the stuff, but I could tolerate small sips of it.
I finally managed to get back down to my tripod - found out I was gone for over half-an-hour, had no idea it had been that long - and was sipping at my slightly-nasty, but highly necessary Gatoraid. One of the guys I'd been hanging out with said something about the heat. I told him that I didn't *think* it was so bad until I staggered into a parking lot and fainted.
This is when I realized that I think a good part of my problem was that I was standing at my tripod, bracing myself on my legs, and locking my knees. Umpty billion years of marching band and I *never* locked up so bad I fainted. One Pride Parade and ... yeah. *sigh*.
Anyway, at that point he grabs my Gatoraid, takes the top off it and starts ordering me to drink. I took a sip. He tells me to drink more. I take another sip. He glares. I tell him that it's gross. I *know* I need to drink it, but it's gross.
So he had a big cup of ice from *somewhere* and a wrapped straw, so he poured my Gatoraid in it, opened the straw and gave it to me.
Cold and watered-down did make it better.
So every few minutes he'd scold me about needing to drink my Gatoraid. He says to me, "We don't want any passing out again over here!"
I just smiled and said, "I didn't pass out over here the first time. I passed out over *there*." I got a very large eye roll for that. And another order to drink my Gatoraid.
In fact after the parade was open and everyone was packing up and I was leaving he was *still* hollering after me to finish it. It was very cute.
So I made it through the rest of the parade and made it home. I was thinking of cleaning up and heading back to Boystown just to see what's up tonight, but the A.C. here is really just too appealing.
Okay, WIAD... you're next on my agenda.
nice strangers,