It’s Friday and it’s fairly a quiet day. I’m currently munching on free samples from
Dale & Thomas popcorn (BEST POPCORN EVAH!!) and thinking about my life. I’m in a good place and can say that right now I’m content with how everything is going.
I’m in a job I truly enjoy and it is a pleasure to come into work even on days when chaos reigns.
Everyone in the family is healthy and doing ok.
I’m looking into finishing school and begun to think about getting a Masters Degree.
I’ve been sticking to my budget paying off bills and managing to even build my emergency savings fund (mind you most people’s emergency might be an expected dentist bill….me I’m thinking about the emergency of going insane and going to LA in September).
Plus, tonight I get to see Common Rotation at the R&R club. Haven’t seen them since March. Much SQUEE!!
And I get to see THREE DAYS OF RAIN tomorrow night, thanks to Bradley Cooper.
Life doesn’t have to be super exciting just moving along nicely does the trick. :-)
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! (I heard we’re getting severe thunderstorms.)