Fun stuff... Eaiva and I are different in a lot of ways... yet we get along great! :P
I have a problem: My schooling has trained me to respond to everything in essay form... so... some of the answers are a bit long. :P
First best friend: Simone. She was an itty-bitty baby and I was… like… 3-and-a-half or so… We were inseperable until the company our dads worked for ran into some financial trouble and had some massive layoffs… both her dad and mine lost their jobs when we were about 8 or 9. Our families went to work in different areas… we met up again later, in our late tweens, but too much had changed. It was never the same. Eventually, we just had to let go. I used to cry about it.
First car: I have a learner’s permit, but no car.
First date: Got stood up. Dammit.
First screenname: princess_juna, actually… :P and after that it was Minnow7, then spike, then tiydragoncaller… then one day someone referred to me as “The famous Tiy” on an old RPG site that I frequented a while back… and it stuck.
First self purchased CD: Umm… O-Zone, Dragostea Din Tei. Last year… hehe - I usually rip my CDs, so… :P
First pets: Harry the cat was our family’s first pet. He was a Saudi mixed-breed, though the British Bi-color Shorthair and Siamese bloodlines were strong in him. He passed away three years ago (I believe), at the age of 20. We were heartbroken.
First piercing/tattoo: Pierced ears when I was about 8. I think I’m the only person in the history of the world to have had her ears pierced under general anesthesia. XD (Long story)
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Napoleon Boulevard - a Hungarian music group.
Last cigarette: Never smoked, never plan to. Parents quit smoking before I was born.
Last car ride: Two days ago, to the doctor. I have a throat infection.
Last good cry: Umm… About three weeks ago or so. My hormones have leveled out since. :P
Last movie seen on video?: VIDEO?! hehe… umm… The Brothers McMullen, I guess… very boring show, but artistic. :P
Last beverage drank: DIET 7-UP… my kingdom for a diet coke…
Last food consumed: Toast with honey and a cup of honey lemon ginseng green tea.
Last time showered: maybe three hours ago (this morning).
Last shoes worn: thong flip-flops. Pink (I am ashamed) and white, with a little white flower (doubly ashamed) on the thong part that goes between your toes. But they’re DKNY and they fit, and they don’t make my bones hurt, so I wear them.
Last annoyance: Mother bullying me out of the bathroom. Curse this hierarchy!!
Last disappointment: I don’t like to talk about disappointments. They always stick with me, and they hurt just as much when I remember them as when they first happened.
Last shirt worn: Bright yellow Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Swimming Nationals 2002 T-Shirt. I don’t look good in yellow, so I wear it as a PJ shirt over my towel-material shorts.
Last website visited:
Last word(s) you said: “Good-bye”
What color socks are you wearing: Sockless… although I was tempted to put on my yellow-and-black bee-striped sockies… they’re cool ^_^
What color of underwear are you wearing: white with a blue flower pattern…. Really, why does anyone care?
What's under your bed?: A bedstead. Heh, it’s too dangerous for me to have an “under-the-bed space”, so I don’t.
What time did you wake up today?: 10:30. I told you, I’m sick. Plus, last night I took this medicine that knocked me out so badly that I could (literally) barely walk straight. It was amazing - like getting drunk without the negative side-effects the next day. :D
Where do you want to go? UK, Finnland, France (give it a second chance), and Germany AT LEAST. But I really am not a travelling person, although I’ve been an expat all my life. It’s my curse.
What is your career going to be?: Who knows? I’ll probably end up a fat old housewife who tortures her kids because they are just like she was and she wants them to have a better life than their fat old mother……. Yeah, I’ll either go Psych or Vet or Kinesiology.
Where are you going to live? Wherever the wind may blow. I hate travel, but I’m an expat at heart.
How many kids do you want? Two boys and a girl. Oh, fine: I’ll start by getting married, then one kid… and if that one kid is really, really good, then I might have a second. :P
What kind of car(s): One that doesn’t fall apart
Current mood: Sick, achy… tired
Current music: The sounds of Airconditioning... (a.k.a nothing)
Current taste: 70’s, ecclectic, hectic - the more absurd, obnoxious, or clashy, the better I like it.
Current hair: Medium brown with natural gold highlights… it reaches my mid-back, but it’s up in a bun right now.
Current clothes: Psychodelic tie-dye tank-dress of Bright turqoise, emerald green, fuschia, tangerine, and grape-purple colors (with white interspersed where the color didn’t reach).
Current desktop picture: Me. Well, it’s a collage I made for myself. I usually put my latest piece of work on my desktop till I make a new one - but I haven’t been artistic lately.
Current color of toenails: I don’t paint my toenails.
Current hate: My lack of food. When I get sick, I’m obsessed with eating. Why can’t they invent a calorie- and fat-less ice cream/chocolate/donut…. well, you get the point.
1. Nervous Habits?: I go totally crazy: I pace, talk really fast, scream at people, and generally get stressed out. I do consciously tone it down, though, if I can help it. If I manage to hold it in, then all you can tell from the outside is that my movements are a little jerkier than usual, or that I fidget. And I get really, really quiet.
2. Are you double jointed?: Yes… In my fingers. And the docs say I’m double-jointed in my knees, which is why my knees and hips hurt all the time.
3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yep.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: I can only raise one.
5. Can you blow spit bubble?: I… haven’t tried that since I was 9. :P
6. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes.
7. Tattoos?: None yet.
8. Piercings and where: Both ears.
9. Do you make your bed daily?: ahh, what for? I’ll only mess it up again at night. The best I do is fluff the pillow and straighten the cover a bit… If someone comes to visit, then I run around like crazy and make my room look orderly… ish…
10. Which shoe goes on first?: right shoe.
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: mostly at the cats… when they fight. :P
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: What wallet? o_O;;
13. What jewellery do you wear?: Well, when I wear jewelerry: two earrings, two bracelets, a silver puzzle-ring, or a gold ring that’s sort-of like a princess crown design….(depends upon wether I’m wearing gold or silver other stuff). Sometimes I wear a necklace, too.
14. Favorite piece of clothing?: Jeans, my blue cassone flip-flops… but they’re dead now. I keep them in my closet as a memory of the good times.
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: I usually cut it so I can eat it faster. :P
16. Have you ever eaten Spam?: Yeah… *sigh*… don’t ask.
17. Favorite ice cream flavor?: Baskin Robbins’ flavor of the month last year was Banana Craze or something to that effect: It had honey-dipped banana chips, nuts, a caramel ribbon, all in vanilla/banana Ice-cream. IT WAS AMAZING!!! Otherwise, any interesting flavor with lots of crunchy stuff. I also love the cheese-cake frozen yoghurts. MMMMM… *must have ice cream* I actually haven’t had ice cream since… September of last year or so… Hmm..
18. How many cereals in your cabinet?: None. Carb-free diet usually. Plus: don’t drink milk much.
19. What's your favorite beverage?: Root beer. No question. Don’t get it much, though, cos it’s really expensive in Saudi.
20. What's your favorite restaurant?: Chili’s/Pizza Hut. LOL. I used to love the Thai restaurant around the corner, but they renovated, got popular, and now they suck.
21. Do you cook?: Yeah.
22. How often do you brush your teeth?: Twice a day. Or so.
23. Hair drying method?: A towel.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: I almost dyed it maroon once… tried to dye it green- the color failed… so.. I was saved.
25. Do you swear?: All the time. It’s embarrassing sometimes, especially since I have some conservative friends.
26. Do you ever spit?: Yeah. In the sink after I brush my teeth. :P
27. Animal?: Cats.
28. Food?: Anything sweet or carbohydrate-ey. Or sweet and meaty… or… well… ANYTHING!!! (I’m sick, remember?)
29. Month?: June-August… the summer months. I love summer. ^_^
30. Day?: Thursday (virtual Saturday)
31. Favorite Cartoon Character?: Don’t have one.
32. Shoe Brand?: DKNY for dressy or sandals; Addidas for sporty… otherwise, any brand that has a fitting shoe. :P
33. Subject in school?: I’d have to say Economics (it’s the easiest), and Psych (it’s the most interesting).
34. Color?: In reality? BRIGHT COLORS! The more obnoxious they get, the better. But what I really wear: maroon, red, black, blue. I have a peach-color lacy shirt that looks amazing - it’s the only light-color shirt I can really get away with, tho. :P
35. Sport?: SWIMMING! Competitive Swimming all the way. They won’t even drag my dead body away from it. :D
36. TV show?: Gilmore Girls, Any Day Now, Ally McBeal, ER, Third Watch, etc…
41. The CD player?: Josh Groban
42. Person you talk most on the phone with?: On the phone: my friend behindgreeneyes. On the internet: eaivalefay; gildor (well, when my AIM worked).
43. Ever taken a cab?: Not in a while… unless the company limosines count - you do have to pay for those. If it’s co. limos, then I take them every morning to get to swimming.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: Hehe, yeah… I’m really vain that way. :P
45. What color is your bedroom?: Bumblebee yellow
46. Do you use an alarm clock?: Yes… I like the morning music to fall back asleep to. :P
47. Window seat or aisle?: Window: I’m developing claustraphobia in my old age. :P
48. What's your sleeping position?: On my left side or on my stomach
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: I need something covering me, or I don’t feel safe enough to sleep.
50. Do you sleepwalk?: No.
51. Do you talk in your sleep?: Yeah… my defense is that no one ever listens to me during the day, so I say it at night when people find it interesting. :P
52. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Yeah… I used to have a lamb called Lamby and a cat called Chip and a doll called Hawaii, but I left them in Hungary. Now I sleep with a bear called Dog, a sometimes a duck called Quackenbush (from “A Separate Peace”), and a bear called… well… Bear. Yeah, I don’t usually put much effort into naming my stuffed animals. :P
53. How about with the light on?: There’s usually a little light at the end of the hall.. and there are lights outside, so I’m never in complete darkness. I prefer to be able to see at least the sillhouettes of things when I wake up at night.
54. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: I can’t fall asleep if the TV is on in another room, cos I feel like I might be missing something. But I’ve fallen asleep on the couch before, with the TV on, and I used to sleep with the radio on, to keep away the evil monsters. :P