Jul 16, 2010 14:43
I feel it in my bones. The world is lining up for me. There is a thunderstorm on the horizon and it is singing the grandious start of something new for me. I'm going to be jumping both feet in. I've learned that the Universe will give you everything you ask for. You have to act immediately with what it throws your way. Which means you must listen to the instinctual voice that erupts from your belly when something comes your way. Just do it. Go with it.
I will be in the next year financially independent. I will be an owner of a rocking night club. I will rock out my studio space in the down time. I will be so hardcore its going to knock everyone's socks off. I've been waiting to set this moment up with what I want and the stepping stones have landed right in front of me and I will watch it with amazement of the bountiful fruition that will take place!
Fuck Yeah.
I had the instinct to leave Limericks and the offer from O'Sullivan's lined it up with a home run. I have connected with a co-worker there that is ready to fly at the same time I am.
I feel a good sense of power under my feet that I will use. Nothing ever keeps me down for long and I will do some major ass kicking in the next while! HELLS YES!!!!