Flat surface devoid of scenery. A cartoonists page before the hand releases its marks and color swipes. A simple plate set out before before the feast of homeless peoples, the food arriving in massive aluminum pans, ready for the slopping. The white blankness of the unclaimed billboard by advertising devils. There is some purity in simplicity, before we defile it with "creativity" or give simplicity "purpose".
A narrative post! What'dya know!? Anywho or way, I have another at
http://www.xanga.com/Honkymagoo .
I hung out with Hilary after school on Friday. We went for a walk and it reminded me of how much fun she is to talk to. Then we saw the Weatherman with Andrew later that night. I loved that movie. I usually like allegorical films like that, so, it was really cool. Plus Micheal Cain is one hot grandpa.
After that we went to Amanda's and watched the Amityville Horror. I had this long talk with Andrew before hand it it reminded me of the good times when he and I had amazingly deep conversation. After that, I was drained, and not much fun. I didn't feel like hugging Amanda for some reason, even though she expected me to.
So we watched the movie, and yes, it scared the fuck out of me. After I just drove for a while, trying to empty my mind. Needless to say, staying up that late and then going to work at 8:30 was a bitch.
Then a long day of napping, and finally I went to Dustin's at midnight. I got drunk and played N64 with Andrew and Amanda and Dustin. Very amusing times. I didn't get too drunk, just too drunk to walk very well...
At this moment, I'm just glad to be laying down. Sleep has eluded me for some time now.
Well kids, I'm tapped for info. I'll be back at a later date with more things to talk about. Oh words, wasted worthless words. Putting them down for no real reason. Like wasting oxygen, if it were possible.