So yeah, I'm still pretty peeved about this whole "Amanda can't hang out with me unless Andrew is present" thing. Utter bullshit my friends. Honestly, its not like I just disappear from existence when he's not around. I'm an actual person, even when he's not right next to me. Go figure.
So, Amanda wanted to hang out tonight. However, Andrew made plans with Justin, and so she immediately felt the need to cancel our plans. Siting that she wouldn't know how to entertain me. And of course, I gave a very Joe response. "You needn't be worried about entertaining me. I'll entertain you." Which, in all fairness, I do quite well. She jumped to the whole sexual innuendo thing, and I am having none of that nonsense. So, there is a slight possibility that Amanda will see me as existing and still want to do something. But slim, for it takes time for a person to adjust to such profound ideas, i.e. my being.
Why doesn't LJ have a text editor!? I"m tired of typing in retardo typewriter font!
I'm getting quite sick. And the shitty weather isn't helping one bit.
Ooh! I have enough money for my camping trip with the funnest people on this planet! Enough money for camping and BOOZE! Yes, well, actually, liquor, to be exact. Beer is bad. Liquor is goooooood.
I think I will not write a narrative today. I apologize Jackie, you will have to head over to Xanga for my stuff. Eventually I'll start bringing it here too, so you don't have to make the trip. ya go. Enjoy!