What is your full name? Jessica Lynn Egner
Nicknames? jessie, jess, sissy
Single or taken? single for now
where do you live? girard
Sex or ice cream? hmmm ice cream lol
What color underwear are you wearing right now? dark blue
What are you doing right now? watching road rules/real world challenge
what was the last thing you did? drank some juice lol
What is right next to you? left side:some envolopes right side:mousepad and mouse?
Who was the last person you made out with? nobody
If you were a toy, what would you be? uhh...the broken toy in the back of the toy box that everyone has forgotten about
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? guess that would depend on how rich my husband is. lmao
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? no clue. guess its kinda early to think about that now, eh?
How many people do you have on your buddy list? 108
How's the weather right now? couldnt tell u
Last person you spoke to on the phone? my gramma
Last person who IMed you? brad
Last person you IMed? ashley mazz
What's your ring tone? playground
What do you think a toblerone is? i dunno
What are you wearing right now? pj's
Do you wear contacts? yulp
What school do you attend? GHS
Do you own a vehicle? does a bike count?
Have you ever won a special award? some for school..stupid ones tho..a couple from bowling?
What are your future plans? college, thats about as far as im planned out
Last film you saw at the cinema? wow..uhh..i dont even know
Did you actually watch it? lol yeah. lmfao kelliy
Fave day of the year? 4th of July, or Halloween, or my Bday, or Christmas....lol depends what time of the year it is =P
Are you too shy to ask anyone out? guess it would depend
If you could change your name to anything, what would it be? i dunno. i pretty much like my name
Have you ever been in love? nopes
Do you like scary or happy movies? Both
Christmas or Easter? Christmas
Lust or love? can i have both? lol
Kisses or hugs? hugs
If you could change one thing, what would it be? about what? life? lol...make it a whole lot simpler
What color are your pajamas? grey shirt and greenish greyish pants
what color is your toothbrush?! white w/dark purple
Fave part of the opposite sex? hmm..eyes
Whats the first thing you think of when you wake up? what time is it? and then if i have some time before i have to get up, i get comfy again and then wait til its time to go get ready
How many times do you let the phone ring before you answer? until the caller ID shows who it is
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? somebody who has some medicine that can get rid of sore throat..but that might just be bc im sick..
Fave quote? theres tooooo manny
Zodiac sign? aquarius
Half empty or half full? empty
Whats your fave number? 25
Root beer or Doctor Pepper? dr. pepper at school, root beer at church
Mud or jelly wrestling? lmfao. both!
Skiing or snowboarding? snowboarding. the guys are a lot cuter. lmfao
Day or night? nite
Summer or winter? winter
Silver or gold? silver
Diamonds or pearls?diamonds
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
Have you ever broken a bone? nopes
Do you hate anyone? a few
well thats it, guys.
Anyone can be a rock and roll star