Feb 01, 2004 21:59
I went to a superbowl party. That was all great. There were however some major fucking problems. Some people wanted to watch the Full House Marathon on the runrun network. That sucked. It was too loud downstairs. Oh, and this is the best one. Funnily enough, right after the whole Janet Jackson boob thing, since we at some Indian people's hosue, we had to do prayers. During the Superbowl. The only upside is that i got candy. Come to think of it, I rhink that the thing I was drinking wasn't diet coke. Because mi frends and I broke into hysterical laughter. Mi frend started spinning the chair I was sitting on and somehow the chair flipped over. Where would I land but right under mi other frends ass. (she wuz sitting on a chair). But the worst part iz that she chose that particular moment to fart from her excessive coke. I will never forget that smell. I can;t beleive she had the nerve to ask if I was all right. Oh well. I was rooting for the Panthers. But dammit they lost in the last nine seconds.